Maharashtra’s School Education Minister, Dada Bhuse, reaffirmed the government’s commitment to enforcing Marathi as a compulsory subject in schools affiliated with all boards, including ICSE and CBSE. This regulation, initially introduced in 2021, now comes with the backing of stricter monitoring to ensure compliance.
“Our department will ensure strict implementation of the mandate. Marathi is now recognized as a Classical language, and no school will be exempt from adhering to this regulation,” said Bhuse during the announcement.
Addressing Non-Compliance Concerns
The initiative comes in response to widespread complaints about non-compliance, particularly among non-state board schools, where a lack of government monitoring allowed schools to bypass the mandate.
Bhuse acknowledged these gaps and assured that the state would introduce stringent measures to ensure adherence to the rule, marking a significant step in promoting the regional language.
Evolution of the Regulation
- 2021: Marathi was made a graded subject, not mandatory to pass.
- 2024: The subject was reintroduced as a compulsory requirement for all students.
- 2025: The state promises strict enforcement, ensuring compliance across all educational boards.
Focus on Quality Education
Beyond implementing the language mandate, the state aims to improve the overall quality of education. Bhuse announced plans for a detailed roadmap to address this goal, emphasizing the government’s dual focus on cultural preservation and academic excellence.
The Maharashtra government’s push for compulsory Marathi underscores its commitment to cultural preservation and linguistic pride. By ensuring strict compliance and focusing on quality education, the initiative is set to strengthen the role of Marathi in shaping the state’s educational landscape.