Made In India AI Cracks IAS Entrance Exam In 7 Minutes, Scores Highest Marks Ever!

Mohul Ghosh

Mohul Ghosh

Jun 24, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to make significant strides, penetrating fields traditionally dominated by humans. After notable breakthroughs in medicine and business, AI has now demonstrated its capabilities in one of the most challenging academic arenas: the UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination.

Made In India AI Cracks IAS Entrance Exam In 7 Minutes, Scores Highest Marks Ever!

PadhAI’s Remarkable Performance

An AI application named PadhAI has captured attention with its outstanding performance in the UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2024. Developed by a team of IIT alumni, PadhAI completed the entire exam paper in just seven minutes, achieving a score significantly above the qualifying mark.

Unprecedented Achievement

PadhAI scored over 170 marks out of a possible 200, a result that would place it among the top 10 scorers nationally, potentially even securing the first rank. This score surpasses any previously recorded scores by both humans and AI models in the history of the UPSC exams.

“This is the highest score achieved in the last 10 years of UPSC exams,” said Karttikeya Mangalam, CEO of PadhAI. “We believe that while our event is the first of its kind, in a few years, such events will become commonplace as several educational institutions race to solve papers quickly and precisely with AIs.”

Implications for the Future

The success of PadhAI in the UPSC exam underscores the potential of AI in the education sector. As AI technology continues to advance, its applications in academic testing and other educational assessments are likely to grow. This development could lead to significant changes in how exams are conducted and how educational success is measured.


PadhAI’s achievement in the UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination marks a milestone in the integration of AI into education. As AI continues to evolve, its role in academic testing and other domains will likely expand, challenging traditional notions of learning and assessment. This groundbreaking performance opens the door to a future where AI could become a standard tool in educational institutions worldwide.

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Mohul Ghosh
Mohul Ghosh
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