The Center is distressed that its instructions are not being followed and as a result, it has been requested that all ministries promptly evaluate the work of their staff in order to prematurely retire non-performers.

Centre Directs Ministries To Evaluate Employees and Prematurely Retire Non-Performers
The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has issued an order directing competent ministries to conduct periodic personnel reviews of public sector undertakings (PSUs), banks, autonomous institutions, and statutory organizations under their administrative supervision.
It has occasionally been instructed to periodically examine the performance of government personnel in order to decide whether to keep them on staff or retire them early in the public interest.
Ministries and agencies in charge of administration have been asked over and again to follow the directives and provide the DoPT with a report.
It has been observed that a number of ministries and departments are not following the guidelines, which is causing delays in determining which government employees are subject to review under the relevant provisions of CCS (Pension) Rules, Rule 48 of the Central Civil Services, and Fundamental Rules (FR)-56 (J)/(I) (now revised as Rule 42 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021).
In order to maintain effectiveness, economy, and promptness in the dispensing of government tasks, these regulations establish the policy of periodic reviews and early retirement of government employees.
Ministries and Departments Asked To Identify Employees For Pension
Ministries and departments have been asked to move quickly to identify employees who are subject to review under applicable Fundamental/Pension Rules provisions and make sure their cases are quickly submitted for consideration before the appropriately constituted review committee in accordance with current directives.
The DoPT’s 2020 order regarding the timeline for reviewing the performance of government employees and those working for PSUs, banks, autonomous institutions, and statutory organizations under their administrative control has mandated that all ministries, departments, and organizations “strictly adhere” to it.
The effort attempts to guarantee that government personnel considered to be ineffective or with questionable integrity are barred from further employment.
Through its 2020 order, the DoPT published comprehensive and consolidated rules outlining the steps to be taken in determining which cases qualify for early retirement.Beginning in July 2024, all ministries and departments are required to provide a report to the DoPT in a predetermined format by the fifteenth day of the following month.
In order to ensure efficiency, economy, and speed in the execution of government activities, the CCS regulations aim to fortify the administrative apparatus by fostering responsible and effective administration at all levels.