There has been a prediction by the World Economic Forum’s white paper, that as many as 92 million (92 million) jobs are expected to shift completely to remote work by 2030.

WEF: Shifting Trends and Future Predictions
It was the tiny virus which wreaked havoc with the way life functioned across the globe. However, it also brought forward new methods of working and the emergence of WFH.
After the pandemic, the companies have been calling their employees back to office.
However, as per the predictions by the World Economic Forum’s white paper, 92 million (92 million) jobs are expected to shift completely to remote work by 2030.
Notably, the current figure stands at 73 million (7.3 crore).
The paper, named as “Realizing the Potential of Global Digital Jobs” stated that “new ways of working, if managed effectively, deliver benefits.”
As per the report, there have been benefits from the rise of technologies like cloud computing, video conferencing and artificial intelligence which has made working remotely more viable than before.
As per the same, these jobs can increase in lower-middle income countries if people with the right skills and qualifications are found there.
Navigating the Pros and Cons of Remote Work
The report says that the scope of work-from-home may increase in accounting, legal, finance, IT services. Not just that, but also the fields of healthcare, marketing, advertising, communication and cyber security have also been rated better for remote work.
However, any thing has a use has a scope for abuse and the remote work is no different. It has its own set of challenges.
There are issues of infrastructure for some to work remote and it means not having good and reliable internet connection which can cause issues in some of the geographical locations.
Another hindrance can be the Corporate hardware has also been considered as a barrier. To address this, workers can be allowed to use their own systems for office work. Notably, in the country like Nigeria, only 38 percent of the households have their own computer.
The benefits are not just for the employees but also the employers since it takes away the onus of maintaining infrastructure,
The white paper also says that companies that expand remote work should aim to attract talent rather than save money.