Indian TV advertisements: Very Creative and funny?


If you are a regular reader of this blog you know my love for Indian advertisements. Yes, they can get on your nerves sometimes, especially during cricket matches, but at the same time, some ads just amaze you with their creativity and presentation.

Every now and then I get on Youtube and search for new advertisements coming on Indian television. Most of the times I find quite a few interesting and appealing ads. I have earlier shared some of my favorite advertisements appearing on Indian TV.

I can say without a doubt that Indian ad agencies have some of the most creative and talented people around ! It is attested by the fact that now global companies are approaching Indian ad agencies to handle their media campaign.

Here are some of the best advertisements I have featured earlier on this blog.

Lets now have a look at some of the recent advertisements that are making a mark on Indian Television:

The first is the Heinz advertisement, funny yet passes the message so efficiently. Without doubt you will enjoy it.

We all love kids when they do such a fantastic job of acting. Just look at those two kids. Excellent execution to a simple idea.

One of the better TVS bike advertisement – Theory vs Practice !

Which one is your favorite Indian TV advertisement ?

  1. Pallavi Das says

    Do you think Television ad avoidance is existing still?

  2. Jugmendra Baliyan says

    Great. Ads are the most creative their own time. I can't stop myself sharing one more list which states the best tv commercials of 2012.

  3. Abhinav Nator says


  4. Devendra Upadhyay says

    lik this

  5. Durgesh Bourasi says

    Like it

  6. Sushil Gupta says


  7. Asim Khan says


  8. Asim Khan says


  9. Milad Nehar says


  10. asif says

    dear sir
    Im looking for an ad of MOLTOVA & HANDYPLAST which was telecated on DOORDARSHAN at the time of MAHBHARAT & RAMAYAN serial i think around 1980 from where can i get this ad please can you help

  11. Juao says

    Iam doing research on impact of advertisements on students behaviour and their attitude towards advertisements

  12. Agata says

    I`m from Poland and i`m studying about India at university. Could I ask you for help? I`m searching for good articles, materials aout indian ads. Im going to write my MA thesis about it. I would be gratfeul for any help.

  13. Kameswari says

    hi…how to make the TV ads with out consulting ad agencies. one of my friends is having some brilliant concepts but he don’t know how to proceed. please give the needful information.
    thanks in advance


    hey people i want audio advertisements which site should i visit……

    1. kavya says

      hi…how to make the TV ads with out consulting ad agencies. one of my friends is having some brilliant concepts but he don’t know how to proceed. please provide the needful information.
      thanks in advance

  15. sneha says

    hi dere..i think the recent sprite ads..seedhi baat no bakwaas..r too good n specially d one wid KKR is a real cool one..

  16. uday says

    guys where can we get the videos for ads?

  17. ricyname says

    Vodafone, Virgin Mobiles, fevicol, camlin, max new york life insurance, sprite, tata tea with JaagoRe campaign are doing a nice job…..

  18. priya says

    The recent Idea ad is really good one. The way they have put their dea to make tha IDEA ad is really fabulous. Our politicians should learn somethg frm the ad.

  19. Awasthi says

    Hi there…plz helpe me with guidance.I m really good at creative concepts,imagination,scripting & understanding the emotions.I want to use my skills for TV Ads.But, I dont know where & who does this all things.Infact i would really really love to do a job where i can do all this things together.Plz help me its very important.I hope the guidance of your ray of light will be a shine for my coming time.I m from mumbai & my email id is

  20. pooja says

    hey liked your collection of ad vidoes.. especially the hari sadu and ketchup one and also the aaj tak ad..

  21. shikha says

    idea ads may be nt funny but i think its an excellent creative work……………….conveyed there msg zara hatke.

  22. Bhaskar says

    My all time favourite… Ad Fevicol.

  23. bhaskar says

    My all time favourite is the set of Fevicol ads and recently the HappyDent (village lighting) ad. They are really awesome!

  24. prasad says

    my favourite TV ad is AIRTEL. When ever I see this awesome ad, my heart goes to beyond the borders of my imagination.

    look it once, obviously even u too feel the same.

  25. DWiner says

    My all time favourite is the set of Fevicol ads and recently the HappyDent (village lighting) ad. They are really awesome!

  26. Mesmerized says

    Indian advertising is doing a super great job, the happy dent ad’s are simply great. I also like the whole silky kumar ad’s they did. My Friend and me, were actually lucky to have a conversation, with the one of the guys from the agency, we recorded it, and hope to put it up in our podcast by tommorow. Ill send you the link as soon as the podcast is up!

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