Crackdown Against PUBG Players Begin; Rajkot Police Arrests 16 Students (Playing Fortnite Is Ok)

Gamers arrested for playing PUBG

We have reported news about PUBG ban before and we have reported how various Child Welfare departments in India and Govt. machinery had issued warnings and alerts against a online based video game.

But we never imagined or expected that actual action will be taken against PUBG players, and actual arrests will be made.

Yes, you are reading it right.

Rajkot police in Gujarat has done it. Crackdown against PUBG players have started, and hold your breath – 16 students have been arrested till now.

Does that make sense?

We try to find out!

Level 0: Crackdown Against PUBG Players Begin

Yesterday, across Rajkot, 16 students were actually arrested for playing PUBG game in public places.

The arrests have been made against Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code (violating an order issued by the Police Commissioner)  and Section 35, as playing PUBG is banned under Gujarat Police Act.

Police Inspector VS Vanzara has made clear that he means business, and no stone would be left unturned when to comes to eradicating the ‘menace’ of PUBG.

He said, “We want to give out a stern message that the notification banning PUBG won’t remain just on paper.”

The details about first 10 arrests have come out: 3 guys were nabbed at the Atmiya College on Kalavad Road, while three others were arrested at Raiya crossroads and near to Galaxy Cinema and one near Neptune Tower.

All these arrested gamers were between 18 to 24 years old, and undergraduates. As per reports, they were released later on bail.

It seems that the players were so engrossed in the game that they didn’t notice the cops coming towards them.

PUBG Is Banned; Playing PUBG Can Lead To Arrests

Initially, when some reports come in from Maharashtra that a college has banned PUBG, we took it lightly, as it turned out to be a rumor.

But then, Gujarat become the 1st state in India to officially ban PUBG via Govt notification, and the arrests that were made in Rajkot were based on this Govt. order. Gujarat state’s primary education department has already issued a notification to all schools that no student should be allowed to play PUBG in schools.

The official ban was placed based on recommendations of Jagruti Pandya, who is the Chairperson of Gujarat Child rights body, and the matter was taken by National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR).

As per the observations made by Govt., PUBG game negatively influences the minds of children, and makes them violent, and takes them away from studies.

A local Minister has termed PUBG as “a demon in every house,”, and have recommended that entire India should ban the game.

Interestingly, Govt. or Child Welfare Bodies have no issues with Fortnite, which is a rival battle royale and third-person shooter game, which is equally ‘violent’ and ‘mind-altering’ game, it seems.

Do share your comments and views on police arresting PUBG gamers, by commenting right here!

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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