Categories: India

TRAI May Take Legal Action Against Apple Over DnD App Issue; No Reaction From Apple Yet!

The ongoing tussle between Apple and Telecom Regulatory Authority of India or TRAI seems to have no end. In the latest salvo, TRAI has threatened Apple with legal action.

What exactly is the fight over DnD issue? Why is Apple not giving up?

TRAI Planning To Take Legal Action Against Apple!

Recently, TRAI Chairman RS Sharma gave a presentation to Telecom Minister Manoj Sinha, over their plans to provide low cost, but high-speed WiFi across all over the country.

Data reselling is a decision which the Ministry needs to take now.

During the press-brief after the presentation, when someone asked RS Sharma about the latest update on Apple’s DND app issue, he made it clear that the case has deteriorated.

In a direct attack on Apple, RS Sharma has declared that legal action against Apple would be soon taken against them.

He said, “We will consider taking legal action,”

If this happens, then Apple will be required to fight against Govt. of India directly. Something they wouldn’t wish to happen, as they have some future plans for India. They want special status and leverage to manufacture, and if the legal tussle breaks in, then it would be tougher.

Govt. of India has already rejected Apple’s demands for their special status and privileges.

Apple DND App Issue: An Update

Last year, TRAI had launched a DND App (Do Not Disturb) for both Android and iOS users. This app was basically working as a gatekeeper for the users, blocking spam calls, and SMSes, and reporting them to the TRAI’s central database so that a comprehensive list could be prepared of such spam messages, calls.

While Google quickly approved the app for their Play Store, Apple didn’t allow, citing privacy issues.

As we all know, Apple is very committed towards privacy, even more than Google and certainly more than Facebook.

This didn’t go well with TRAI, and last year, RS Sharma had declared Apple as an anti-customer company. He had said,

“They are anti-consumer and they are really not caring towards their customers who could have been saved from pesky calls and unwanted messages.”

A window of discussion has opened up, when Apple and TRAI attempted to work out, and find out a solution; but things didn’t turn out well.

Since November, in fact, not even a single round of negotiation and talks happened between Apple and TRAI.

Will Apple fight TRAI in the Court, and defend their privacy concerns and decision; or Apple will surrender, and allow TRAI’s DND app?

Do share your opinions and comments, right here!

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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