Categories: wrap-up

Weekly Wrap-Up: Digital India, EBI CC Payment Restrictions, Plastic Currency Notes & more…

Here is a quick wrap-up of some of the buzzing articles we published on trak.in last week.

One of the announcements during Modi’s Independence day speech was, Free health insurance worth Rs 1 lakh for all economically backwards citizens. With 18 crore Indians living below the poverty line, this mega health scheme can bring in a healthcare revolution in India. [Link]

Here is a list of all public places in various Indian cities where you can access free WiFi connectivity and surf the web. [Link]

Business Pivots are important to align with changing business circumstances. Tradus has pivoted to become a Online Grocer-Only store from being a marketplace, while Yahoo Small Business has pivoted into eCommerce SAAS offering, Yahoo Stores. [Link]

According to ASSOCHAM report, 7 million new online shoppers have been added this year, taking the total tally to 53.4 Million. For the first time, percentage of female shoppers has touched 40! [Link]

Setting all doubts clear, TRAI has rejected this proposal to charge any additional fees from consumers for using messaging applications like WhatsApp, Viber, Line and others! [Link]

Uber announced addition of 4 more cities including Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Jaipur and Kolkata. Generally, Uber launches in one city and then moves to next. However, for the first time they have announced launch of 4 cities at one time. [Link]

Oxigen Services India Pvt. Ltd., one of the leading payments solutions company has announced launch of India’s first social mobile wallet service “Oxigen Wallet”. [Link]

IDC have released their quarterly numbers which shows that Samsung is still firmly on the top of the heap. Infact, the difference between Micromax and Samsung is over 3 percentage points. [Link]

For the first time in 2 years, Bangkok, capital of Thailand has been displaced from #1 position, as Dubai climbs up the chart and becomes the most preferred overseas destination for Indian travelers. [Link]

Recent reports are coming in according to which, instead of US, Amazon plans to develop India as a Launchpad for their ambitious plan of using drones for delivery of goods ordered via their ecommerce portal. [Link]

Here are a few tricks that you should learn if you find your job boring and you are doing it only for month end cheque. [Link]

Spicejet has announced that they have overtaken Jet Airways to become India’s second largest airlines company. This is the first time in India aviation history that Spicejet has climbed to #2 spot, and for the first time Jet Airways (and Jet Lite) have descended to #3 rank. [Link]

Indian Government has approved Digital India project, and allocated a budget of Rs 1 Lakh crore to implement it. PM Narendra Modi will spearhead the project, which is expected to be implemented before 2019. [Link]

TRAI has released their June Telecom subscription numbers and according to it, India added 4.77 million new wireless subscribers taking the total tally to 914.92 million. June 2014 becomes 8th month in a row that has witnessed positive growth. [Link]

Times Internet is bringing yet another international publication to India. This time it is uber-popular all-in-one news site, The Huffington Post. [Link]

Thanks to an Indian innovator from Kochi, you may now be able to experience the magic of Google Glass for just Rs 4500. Arvind Sanjeev, 23, has created a replica of the augmented reality goggles Google Glass, which has a selling price of $1500 in USA. [Link]

As per government estimates, 20% of all existing currency notes gets soiled or scribbled in India, which amounts to huge losses. To reduce the losses, RBU has decided to introduce Plastic Notes by 2015. [Link]

Idea Cellular, India’s third largest telecom company, has finally made live it’s mobile banking service: Idea Money. [Link]

Do you want to be an entrepreneur ? But are worried that you are too old? Worry not, even researchers say that there is no age limit for being an entrepreneur! [Link]

The RBI circular has stated that many online companies are still not enforcing 2 factor authentication when they are accepting payments from consumers. [Link]

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