Yearly Archives


Top 10 Free & Paid iPhone Apps for 2013

Apple products sold like hot cakes in 2013, yet again. Tech savvy consumers lapped up 150 million iPhones, 71 million iPads and 16 million Mac laptops in 2013, generating revenues of $171 billion and profits of $387 billion. Behind these…

10 Most Popular Mobile Apps Of 2013

It was the year of mobile in 2013. Globally, more than 100 billion mobile apps were downloaded in this year, with revenues from apps touching approximately $26 billion. It is an increase of 44% compared to 2012, when 64 billion apps were…

9 Gadgets That Created Ripples in 2013

2013 saw several new and exciting gadgets being launched all across the globe. And consumers chose the best among them. As per a Gartner study, as of 2013, there are more than 2.35 billion gadgets in use all over the world, which is an…
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