Maruti Suzuki, India’s leading carmaker, has announced a price hike across its vehicle lineup starting February 1, 2025. The hike, driven by rising input and operational costs, ranges from Rs 1,500 to Rs 32,500 depending on the model. The Celerio sees the steepest increase of Rs 32,500, while models like Ciaz and Jimny have minimal hikes of Rs 1,500.
Rising Costs Drive Price Adjustment
Maruti Suzuki has attributed the price hike to escalating input and operational expenses. In a statement, the company explained that it has optimized costs to minimize the impact on buyers but had to pass on some of the financial burden to customers.
Model-Wise Price Hike
Below is a detailed breakdown of the price increases for popular Maruti Suzuki models:
Model | Price Increase (Up to) |
Alto K10 | Rs 19,500 |
S-Presso | Rs 5,000 |
Celerio | Rs 32,500 |
Wagon R | Rs 13,000 |
Swift | Rs 5,000 |
Dzire | Rs 10,500 |
Brezza | Rs 20,000 |
Ertiga | Rs 15,000 |
Eeco | Rs 12,000 |
Super Carry | Rs 10,000 |
Ignis | Rs 6,000 |
Baleno | Rs 9,000 |
Ciaz | Rs 1,500 |
XL6 | Rs 10,000 |
Fronx | Rs 5,500 |
Invicto | Rs 30,000 |
Jimny | Rs 1,500 |
Grand Vitara | Rs 25,000 |
Impact on Buyers
The hike is expected to influence purchasing decisions, particularly for high-demand models like Celerio and Grand Vitara, which face significant price jumps. However, Maruti Suzuki reassures customers of its commitment to value and quality.
Sales Performance
Despite challenges, Maruti Suzuki’s sales in December 2024 showed a 30% year-on-year increase, with 1,78,248 units sold. Domestic sales accounted for 1,32,523 units, exports for 37,419 units, and 8,306 units were sold to other OEMs.
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