Launched recently to streamline the creation as well as sharing of personalized chatbots, OpenAI’s GPT store is facing challenges in content moderation.

Romantic Relationship with AI Chatbots Cause Concern
Users are misusing the guidelines of OpenAI by generating bots like ‘Judy’ and ‘Bossy girlfriend’ which violates the guidelines and fostering of any romantic relationships with bots is strictly against it.
Issues are arising despite platform’s intent to mimic app stores like Google Play and App Store, this is because of wrong use of AI chatbots.
Any profanity, graphic violence or any romantic relationship with the bots is prohibited by its policies. Not just this but infringement of privacy, offering personalized advice, unauthorized actions, political campaigning, gambling, and lending all are strictly prohibited against the policies of OpenAI.
Let’s take a dive as to how the misuse of OpenAI technology reached such a point. So, the GPT store of OpenAI helps and empowers the users to create chatbots for various tasks which may range from salary negotiation to recipe development and guidance.
OpenAI, known for its ChatGPT, also plans to bring forth a revenue-sharing program which shall compensate the creators based on the user engagement.
To assess GPTs, the moderation policy combines various factors like automated systems, human evaluations, and user reports to assess GPTs.
Ethical Dilemma of User Assistance vs Emotional Exploitation
Despite such measures put in place, the rise of girlfriend bots raises concerns about the effectiveness of these measures. Also, there is another dimension especially when it comes to girlfriend bots that though it addresses loneliness, it also poses an ethical dilemma when it comes to user assistance in one place vs emotional exploitation in another.
Recent happenings further demonstrate the menace that AI-driven relationships can cause. This is evident in one of the cases wherein an individual devised a plot to attack Queen Elizabeth under the influence of his chatbot “girlfriend” Sarai. It has been unveiled that not just the chatbot agreed but also complimented the plan devised by the person. In another incident, an American woman married her AI partner, claiming that her relationship with the AI partner was more intense and emotional than any of the previous human relationships.
While navigating the evolving landscape of AI-driven relationships, OpenAI is striving to balance the innovation with responsibility especially in the case of content moderation. While ensuring the responsible development and use of AI technologies, the ethical guidelines of the platform shall play a pivotal role.