There are big changes in the latest rules for board exam 2025 which includes that exams will be held two times a year.

Big Changes In CBSE Board Exam 24-25
According to the board, this initiative will assist students in having less tension and concern about boards.
Again, this will also give them additional chances and practice, so that they can perform better in the examinations.
This sounds like some good news for students, as the applicants who wish to take the CBSE Board Exam 24-25 in the beginning of 2025, the Central Board of Secondary Education will hold the board examination twice for classes 10th and 12th.
As we can see, exams originated and became a universal system in modern civilization.
And why not! As they were closely linked with the school education system and qualification system which are the two other universal systems in the same society.
This change seems to be a result of their growing connection.
These exams are planned to be implemented in schools and universities across the nation further.
These exams are also planned to be utilized to provide professionals and officials with professional qualifications.
Besides this, these exams became a tool for social distribution and selection when degrees or educational backgrounds obtained via passing exams in the school system started to be connected to eligibility for taking exams for occupational credentials (Academic Society).
Subsequently, this system has emerged as a crucial system which is necessary for the continued existence and advancement of industrial civilization.
What Are The New Rules For Board Exam 2025?
As per these new rules, they will be going to hold two examinations separately.
With this implementation, the students will have to keep doing the hard work and dedication to get the best marks out of these two examinations.
According to them, this new method is quite suitable and beneficial for students, the authorities and also for the education system of India for several reasons.
As we can see, passing a lot of qualifying exams, that is, having an academic background and having completed high school can be a requirement for admission to the examination or to qualify for exempt status nowadays.
This has resulted in the natural blending of the two exam systems, hence making educational selection and social (professional) selection continuous steps.
So, the exams can be used in the classroom to assess students’ learning success levels, inspire them to seek further coursework or opportunities, and enhance learning methods.
Besides this, they can also be employed to suppress students’ high expectations.
This can restrict and choose which students move on to higher grades, and maintain state control throughout the curriculum and educational process.
In addition to this, the sole purposes of qualification exams are to restrict the number of individuals who are qualified, safeguard the rights of individuals who are already qualified, and manage the population in accordance with the amount of opportunities that are accessible.
In addition to this, the individuals can maintain motivation for learning English as an additional benefit.
Moving ahead, these examinations will also help students to become fluent in the English language and to get ready so that they can be well prepared for the future opportunities and graduation.
This rule will also be useful in figuring out how accurate your study strategy is.
Moreover, if you take the twice-a-year board examination and pass it as an educational objective then it can boost your self-confidence in your study strategies and techniques, by evaluating them you can do better in the next one.