100% Work From Home For 30,000 IT Employees At This Company

Rohit Kulkarni

Rohit Kulkarni

Apr 24, 2024

With major tech companies across the globe resorting to literally “Saam, Daam, Danda, Bhed” to bring their employees back to office, there is one company which strikes a different chord.

100% Work From Home For 30,000 IT Employees At This Company

Company’s Stance on Remote Work and Office Redesign

Globant, a multinational technology services company based in Luxembourg, has decided to adopt a flexible approach when it comes to its 30,000 employees spread across 33 countries to continue working remote option.

The CEO, Martin Migoya emphasized on being flexible and said that “We have been very flexible; we will continue being very flexible”. 

Adding to this, CEO said “The office must be an attraction point for the people to get together, rather than just the desk in which you do your job. It’s a connection engine for the company.”

Despite being flexible, its not like the CEO is not a proponent of office work either and the same is reflected in the fact that the company is redesigning its office post the pandemic.

Earlier individual desks are now changed with more round tables that accommodate sitting of more people, this will create extra lounge space as well as workstations for private meetings, said the publication.

Workplace Perks and Flexibility

For those who are working from the office in Buenos Aires can make the most of Argentine barbecue grill, gyming, playing ping-pong, and there is even mechanical bull for a ride.

However, the top man admitted that initially he had in mind to invite its emplyees to office post the pandemic. Later, he decided to take a softer stance and make the offices more flexible and welcoming.

He said that “We found that people come, they get together, they use our offices in a different way, and we’ve been modifying our offices to attend to that new reality”.

Notably, the company is also in the plans of hiring another 20,000 employees over the next five years as part of a $1 billion investment.

Rohit Kulkarni
Rohit Kulkarni
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