Employee Provident Fund Forms [EPF Forms]

This page will offer details on various forms that are required for enrolling and claiming the benefits that are offered under Employee Provident Fund Scheme (EPF).

EPF Form 9 (revised)

Form 9 is used for people who want to become part of  Employee Provident Fund or Employee Pension Fund

Form 9 (revised) download

EPF Form 13 (revised) (This form has been changed)

[Note, this form has been changed, please see at the end of the article.]Form 13 is used to transfer the Provident Fund account of a member from one establishment to another establishment.

EPF Form 14

Form 14 is used as an application for financing a life insurance policy out of Provident Fund account.

Form 14 Download

EPF Form 19

Form 19 should be submitted by a member to withdraw his Provident Fund dues on leaving service/retirement/termination.

EPF Form 20

Form 20 should be used in the event of death of member. This form is to be used by a nominee / family member to claim the member’s Provident Fund accumulation.

EPF Form 31

Form 31 is used by Provident Fund members to avail advances / withdrawals as provided in the scheme. A declaration has to be submitted along with Form 31 as well.

Here are the forms that are required for enrolling and claiming the benefits that are offered under Employee Pension Scheme.

Form 10-C

Form 10-C should be used for claiming following benefits:

  • Refund of Employer share.
  • Withdrawal benefit
  • Scheme certificate for retention of membership

Form 10-D

Form 10-D is to be submitted by the first claimant i.e.

  • member or
  • widow/widower or
  • orphan or
  • nominee as the case may be

Life Certificate/Non Re-Marriage Certificate [LCNM]

This certificate has to be submitted by the pensioner in order to get the benefit

Following are the forms that claimants have to fill up for withdrawal of Insurance Funds Benefits under Employees Deposit linked Insurance Scheme, 1976

Form 5 (I.F)

Form 5 should be preferred by the person eligible to receive the Employees’ Provident Fund dues of the deceased member who died while in services.

Following are other General Purpose Forms:

Statement IW – 1

This is the Statement of Employees qualifying for membership as International Workers

Advanced Stamped Receipt

Copy of Advanced Stamped Receipt

Recent Updated News: On Thursday 4th July, 2013, EPFO has released a new Transfer Claim Form. This has been done to aid online transfer of account for all employees under the Provident Fund Scheme.

Revised Transfer Claim form

This new form has come into effect from July 4th 2013. The earlier Form 13 for transfer of PF account from one company to other has been deprecated and Revised transfer claim form will be used henceforth

The revised form will have the following salient features:
–  The form can be presented after verification, either through the present employer or previous employer. Earlier the form could be submitted after verification only through the present employer.

– This form can be submitted online as well as in physical form. The facility of online submission of this form will be given shortly after process of collecting the digital signature of the employer is completed.

– Employee will be allowed to submit their applications online, if their employer is having registered digital signature.

– Status of application will be sent by EPFO office through SMS and email.


If you have any questions about this form, please search on this site or you can also head to official Employee Provident Fund site

  1. SANAT DASH says

    sir i sri sanat Dash working as G. P .T.A in panchayati Raj dept Govt of Odisha as contractual having remunetion Rs 9300.00/per month can i eligible for EPF, if yes how can i do ?

  2. Ramakrishna mamardi says

    Hi sir this is Ramakrishna I have confused I have my PF account from bandra and I have my election I’d card and adhara card name is Ramakrishna mamaradi and I have name Ramakrishna vasudev (my father name) manaradi in pan card so I m looking for closing my PF account so pan card will applicanted? and as per new rule I was worked science 4year so I need to pay 34.608%.TDS or 10%TDS? and what should. I do If I don’t want to pay tax from my PF account please replay me sir My number +917829872063

  3. Subir Banik says

    Dear sir,

    I Subir Banik inform you that, My father is a serviceman in bank sector. He had 4-5 year left to be retire. Recently he applied for an “EPFLoan” and it sanctioned for my elder brother’s marriage. Now the marriage has been cancelled. The loan amount is nearly 4Lac.

    1) So is there any chance to cancel the loan and refund it.
    2) Is there is any situation to refund it with any penalty interest.
    3) Can I simply keep the money for my brotrhers marriage later.
    4) Is there any chance of imprisonmaent.

    But the bank have signed my father in a “NRW7” form which says i can refund it with “.interest at a rate fixed by the fund”.

    So please let me know how much interest I need to pay to refund the money as I have 15 days left to complete one month of the loan taken. And I still did not spend any money. I know there is documentation on upon this. But it will be better for me to understand if you give me a quick view by answering me these question.

    Please give me your good advice as early as possible. I am eagarly waiting for your suggestion.

    Thanks & Regards

  4. anil kumar singh says

    My claim was undilovered due to my co. A/c has been closed, how i can get my p f balance.

  5. rr says

    Hi Sir

    i am employee of private company in Bangalore, I am married women if am death in any sudden cases my PF amount is go to my Father? it should go my father only.
    please let me know the details sir

  6. nagaraj G says

    sir my name is nagaraja I have completed my Mhrd course . but i want more all kinds of act forms book plz help me plz

  7. Nitin Gupta says

    You can fill the details online at EPF Online, after completing details, Download the generated PDF document, Write the bank account number and cross sign it after pasting revenue stamp and share it with the old employer.

  8. Tapas kumar ojha says

    Sir I want to withdraw my EPF money.

    The problem is like follows:
    I have worked for two diff companies in past 2 yrs and I have resigned from both. I do have two diff EPF nos.

    Is there any process to apply online for withdrawal?

    Is it possible through OTCP(Online Transfer Claim portal) of EPFO?

    Awaiting your valuable reply


    1. v sandeep says

      Hi kumar u need to call pf enquiry sections they help you

  9. Tapas kumar ojha says

    Sir I want to withdraw my EPF money.
    The problem is like follows:
    I have worked for two diff companies in past 2 yrs and I have resigned from both.
    I do have two diff EPF nos.
    Is there any process to apply online for withdrawal?

    Is it possible through OTCP(Online Transfer Claim portal) of EPFO?

    Awaiting your valuable reply

  10. MUKESH KUMAR says


  11. Umesh says

    My sister marrage on december how to apply pf ,7years complited in the organize ,pls help me

  12. Parash Rai says

    I use to work for Firstsource Bangalore now i have left the its been almost a year now and i want to apply for my provident fund i have spoken to the HR department and the ask me to come down to the office in Bangalore but i am not able to go as i am in Guwahati close to my home town i just want to know if i can apply for my pf in guwahati itself so that i don’t have to go to Bangalore and how do i apply for the provident fund here in guwahati.

    Thanks & Regards
    Parash Rai

  13. karthik says

    i want to get registered as member in EPF kindly ket me know the process

  14. Shashi Shekhar says

    I have left my job . I want to withdraw my epf claim . how to apply and which form have to fill up . plz guide me .

  15. bindu.p says

    Hi , iam bindu.p ,l left my job august 1 st. I want to withdraw my epf claim . how to apply and which form have to fill up

  16. sudheesh says

    Dear Sir,

    Kindly arrange new form for Form13

  17. Hitesh Gala says


    I am an NRI for past 2 years, and the company (in India) through which i have come abroad is closing its business. What will happen to my EPF account? Also do i need to withdraw my balance and close the account?


  18. gopakumar says

    form9 epfo missing

    1. Arun Prabhudesai says

      @gopakumar – Form 9 link has been added. Thank you for pointing it out to me..

  19. suhbho says

    we are employee of a concern, and we get facility 7housrs/work /day.and 4hours in saturday.169 hours in a month.but now our employer introuce 8hours/day and 208hrs./month. please provide us latest labour laws to prevent these kind of rules. and
    give some guide lines how much minimum salary would be for 208 hrs. working.

  20. Chhavi Sharma says

    Its very helpful for understanding matters in the field of work related to HR.

  21. mahantesh says

    I am mahantesh i studying in msw HR. regarding i want need for all HR RELATED books
    @ labor laws
    @ HRM
    @ communication

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