Categories: Business

Find Out How No-Code Platforms Are Triggering Artificial Intelligence For Businesses

This is a Guest Post by Mr. Sanjeev Menon, Co-Founder & Head of Product, E42

RPA teams have been in charge of automation projects before artificial intelligence (AI) started making its prominence through cognitive process automation. Up-and-coming enterprises might have strong competence processes and various data systems, but they may not have a strong AI team with data scientists to drive the various Automation opportunities within the organization. 

Training an AI model is difficult, time-taking, and requires a lot of resources – this was accepted as the universal truth until recently. AI Engineers and Data scientists frequently spend their time on very repetitive chores, whether it is writing the code, cleaning the data, producing the labels, or updating the models. For those wishing to automate and streamline procedures, this procedure is somewhat counterintuitive. 

Mr. Sanjeev Menon, Co-Founder & Head of Product, E42

Enter no-code AI – a type of solution that, thanks to a visual, drag-and-drop interface, gives everyone in the company access to AI, along with various other tools that are needed to integrate AI workflows and data processing into their workflow or automate the entire workflow itself. With no-code AI, companies of various sizes from start-ups, SMEs, and independent businesses to large corporates can facilitate process automation without the need for AI expertise or hiring expensive resources. 


No-code platforms are in vogue with smaller companies

The process of hiring and retaining an AI team is time-consuming and expensive. Especially so for mid-sized businesses maintaining such a team to look at the automation will be problematic.

Such businesses may benefit greatly from the use of No Code AI Platforms for automation. Machine learning has the unique ability to produce process improvements across all business domains. Thus, the benefits are numerous:

  • Minimizing human intervention in repeated administrative tasks like claims or invoice analysis 
  • Automating the entire customer onboarding process to support
  • Automating employee onboarding, support, engagement, wellness, etc.
  • Automatic IT support 
  • Automating contact vetting and scraping in order to increase the sales team’s prospecting

No-code AI platforms/systems offer the advantages of automation by starting with areas that give significant benefits – reducing errors, improving user experience, and lowering the costs of operations. Functional experts in the organization typically require only a few days of work on a visible drag-and-drop interface to see the ROI of any automation project. With this approach, businesses may get the most out of applications that are worth the investment, without hefty sums on projects that don’t offer the ROI for a long time. 

The rise of front-line workers because of no-code tech

People in non-technical areas like operations, sales, and HR are considered the ‘front-line’ since they are more in touch with day-to-day activities. Low-code/no-code platforms have become crucial for businesses that have experienced workforce shortages, further exacerbated by the IT talent deficit.

In an era when IT specialists are in short supply, no-code platforms democratize technology across the organization and empower staff to address their process-oriented difficulties without having to invest much time and effort in writing code. This frees them up to concentrate on more strategic digital transformation projects meant to boost productivity and revenue, and accomplish company objectives.

For effective deployment of automation through no-code platforms, it is advisable to have  IT governance with training, testing, and documentation as well as the ability to roll something back if necessary. A governance group must offer direction, information, education, training, and some technology for how no-code should function since a front-line worker is unlikely to be familiar with any of those disciplines.

Businesses are prepared for a future that benefits from no-code AI

Businesses are constantly looking for ways to shorten the time needed for software development and the procedures for software upkeep. They aim to streamline operations, boost productivity significantly, and accelerate the introduction of new goods and services.

However, traditional methods for creating software can be time-consuming and they demand expensive and specialized tools and resources. Maintaining the status quo can lead to excessive technical debt and growing complexity. Creating point solutions for a specific problem or automation need may give a tactical advantage in the short term but fails to deliver any strategic benefit of AI. 

No-code AI Platform fills this gap by giving businesses a simpler way to create high-quality solutions as well as a far more effective and user-friendly model for maintenance and deployment. 


The main advantage of no-code software development is the ability to enable businesses to catapult their digital transformation journey effectively by substituting monolithic programs with more ‘modular’ ones that can be reused and recycled for quicker development.

For any organization to implement no-code platforms, a major question that needs to be answered is ‘which employees in this business unit are willing to dig in and use a no-code platform to create the necessary workflow?’

Once this is taken care of, an organization will be all set to leverage the unique abilities of a no-code AI model and automate its business process, propelling the company toward spectacular digital transformation!

– By Sanjeev Menon 

Co-founder and Head of Product for E42, Sanjeev brings to the table more than 25 years of passion-driven R&D experience in Natural Language Processing (NLP), machine learning, Big Data analytics, telecommunications, and VoIP, augmented reality, eCommerce solutions, and predictive algorithms. 

With a strong belief in creating a collaborative work environment, he focuses on building and mentoring teams that strive for innovation and excellence. 

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