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TCS Orders All Employees To Return To Office By November 15; WFH Officially Ends At TCS?

TCS Orders All Employees To Return To Office By November 15; WFH Officially Ends At TCS?

In a sudden development, India’s biggest IT services company: TCS has ordered all employees to return to their offices by November 15th.

This means that work from home has officially ended at TCS and work from office starts?

But what about the 2025 vision?

We try to find the answers..

TCS To All Employees: Return To Office By Nov 15

In a note to all 5 lakh employees, TCS HR Head Milind Lakkad has asked all employees to return to their ‘depute location by November 15th’. 

This means that from November 15th, TCS employees have been asked to work from the office, and return to their bases from their homes.

While asking all employees to return to the offices, Milind also reminds the workforce that more than 70% of the employees are fully vaccinated, and more than 95% have received atleast one dose.

However, the diktat to return to office by November 15th doesn’t make this clear: Only those TCS employees who are fully vaccinated will work from office or every employee has to return?

Milind also shared that the eligible employees across all the grades will now receive 100% of the quarterly variable allowance this quarter, that is Q2 of 2021.

We have received this information from a trusted source. Here are the screenshots of the message by Milind to all TCS employees.

2025 Vision For TCS?

TCS had earlier announced that by 2025, only 25% of their workforce will work from office, and 75% will work from home.

But in the last few weeks, TCS have been regularly stating that more than 80% employees will work from the office in the coming days.

Then how will TCS implement the 2025 vision of 75% employees working from home?

It seems that the deployment of the 2025 vision will happen in phases.. If 80% TCS employees will start working from office by 2021-end, then by next year, only 50% can work from office, which can be further reduced to 25% by 2025.

If you are a TCS employee, and wish to share your opinion and insights on this development, please feel free to comment right hare or connect with us on social media here and here.

This is a developing story, and we will keep you updated as more details come in. 

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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