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13 Lakh Indian Debit/Credit Card Details Hacked, Being Sold For Rs 920 Crore Online: Biggest Ever Heist?

13 Lakh Indian Debit/Credit Card Details Being Sold For Rs 920 Crore Online: Biggest Ever Hack?

1This can easily be the biggest hack which India has ever encountered on the dark web, the deep, dark underbelly of World Wide Web where hackers rule the land.

Debit and Credit card details of 13 lakh Indian debit and credit cards are being sold on the dark web, whose combined value is estimated at Rs 920 crore.

And more shocking news: 18% of all these hacked cards belong to one single bank.

13 Lakh Indian Debit/Credit Card Hacked!

Singapore-based Group-IB security research team has revealed that right now, a huge dump of hacked debit and credit card details of Indians are being sold on the dark web.

Code named as ‘INDIA-MIX-NEW-01’, this massive stash of hacked data is available under two tracks: Track 1 and Track 2.

98% of the hacked data belongs to Indians, whereas 18% of this belong to one single Indian bank.

The name of the bank hasn’t been revealed.

$100 For Each Card Detail

The importance and the seriousness of this issue can be gauged from the fact that every card detail is being sold for $100 or Rs 7000, on the dark web.

This makes the collective value of this illegal dump of data to Rs 920 crore.

As per some estimates, this is the biggest such hack, ever reported for financial details of Indians.

The data being sold includes the card number, CVV number, expiry dates, names of the account holders and more.

Ilya Sachkov, CEO and founder at Group-IB said, “This is indeed the biggest card database encapsulated in a single file ever uploaded on underground markets at once.”

As per Ilya,the data being sold illegally on the dark web, is very rare, as it contains entire card details of the users, and can be exploited in any way possible.

How Was This Data Hacked?

ATM skimming seems to be the most possible case.

Hackers place a magnetic stripe in the ATMs, which can steal entire information, once the gullible user swipes their card.

The same method is also used to steal card details from PoS machines.

We are awaiting for details.

Meanwhile, stay alert, and keep observing if your debit or credit card has been used for any unauthorised transaction or not. If you find any such transaction, immediately contact your bank.

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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