Categories: Business

The Verdict Is Out: 61% Employees Want Commuting Hours To Be Part Of Official Working Hours

Employees are fed up with commuting time

The productivity of any business is directly proportional to the happiness and contentment of the workforce. A lot of factors constitute for a bunch of happy employees, from work flexibility and fair pays to reasonable notice periods as well. There is an addition to this – time consumed in commuting should be included in work hours too.

What do the employees ask for exactly? Read on to know all about it!

IWG Global Workspace by Mindmetre Research

IWG Global Workspace is one of the world’s leading flexible workspace providers and it conducted a survey across 80 countries in which more than 15,000 professionals from various industries participated. These professionals included senior managers and business owners from all over the world. This survey by IWG Global Workspace was independently managed by Mindmetre Research.

61% of the employees from India and nearly half, which is 42% of employees globally are of the opinion that the number of hours spent in the commute should be counted in the official working hours. As per the report by IWG Global Workspace, 41% of employees said that “commuting to/ from work is the part of the working day which they like the least.”

Previously, in 2015, the top court of Europe passed out a rule that the total number of working hours will include the time from which they leave their residence until the time of their return.

Flexible Working Hours in Demand

Mark Dixon, CEO and Founder of IWG said, “Last year our Global Workspace Survey talked about reaching a tipping point, but what we are seeing now is that flexible working is considered by many to be the new norm for any business that is serious about productivity, agility and winning the war for top talent.”

Apparently, half of the employees that responded to the survey said that they work from places outside of their offices for half a week at the least. This can be accounted to the employees’ focus on maintaining a stable relationship between jobs and personal life. Flexible working is vouched for by 86% of employees in India and 78% employees around the world.

Employees are also opting for job flexibility over higher pay scales, according to a report. 83% of the employees were of the opinion that job flexibility and the company’s remote work policy is of importance while searching for a job. They also said that they would accept a pay cut if provided with the work flexibility option.

Should commuting hours be counted in official work hours? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

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Radha Joglekar: An engineer, a history buff and a book-eater. A writer with a newfound interest in technology, attempting to build a bridge between the two!
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