Categories: Startup

“Why I Stopped Wearing My Socks” Will Ignite The Entrepreneurial Spark Within You (Book Review)

Why I Stopped Wearing My Socks Book Review

So, what exactly is entrepreneurship?

A desire to become a millionaire? A wish to change this world? A plan to break free from corporate slavery?

As per various estimates, more than 90% of startups fail in first 3 years of its existence, and if we do a quick analysis of the reasons, then one big reason would be: Lack of clarity.

Alok Kejriwal’s first book: Why I Stopped Wearing My Socks is one such elixir, which will help you to decode this ‘Why’. This book can force you to go to the deepest chambers of your heart and mind, and discover that Why behind your insane, crazy dreams.

To start with, this book tells us that the entrepreneur should be ready to devote 10 years to his/her venture, and experience failures first hand, in order to understand what success actually is.

And once you realize the logic behind this thought, then you will also realize why 90% of startups fail within 3 years of its existence.

As I devoured this book and thought hard about the invaluable lessons and stories shared by Alok, then it became crystal clear: This book has the magical power to ignite the entrepreneurial spark within you. Not only ignite, but also sustain that spark until it becomes raging flames.


Here are 5 reasons why every dreamer should read this book:

Crispy, Mesmerizing Stories & Lessons

Alok Kejriwal, author of this immensely interesting book is a startup legend in his own rights.

The short stories behind his quitting family owned business, launching a contest-focussed startup and then selling it to Disney in China, then again launching new gaming startup (which will soon file for an IPO)  in India showcases the hustle and patience of an entrepreneur, making it a mesmerizing read.

In fact, this is a brilliant chance to peek into the mind of an entrepreneur, wants to make a dent in the Universe.

No, there aren’t any hardcore moral lessons here, but short, crispy stories which teach you way more than an MBA degree ever can. As I realized very soon, this book has the potential to become a powerhouse of energy and inspiration, for the budding entrepreneur.

The Ultimate Test Of Your Passion

So, how passionate are you? Can you leave behind everything you have, in order to achieve everything you desired? Can you say no to the safe comfort zone and push yourself hard, harder to challenge the status quo?

“Why I Stopped Wearing My Socks” will act as a mirror, and force you to reflect hard into it, asking the very purpose of your passion.

Did you know that sitting and observing in a factory for hours can teach you some of the biggest lessons of entrepreneurship and life? If no, then this book is for you!

Business & Life Ethics Are The Pillars

Ethics is an important, vital part of not only business but also life. WIthout ethics, this whole journey becomes suffering, plagued by guilts, mistakes and blunders. Once you finish the short chapters of this book and see the world from the eyes of Alok Kejriwal, you will realize the importance of ethics in business and in life.

Right from an ONGC Inspector to a Venture Capitalist, Alok has received interesting, and viable ethical teachings, which has been shared in the book. The mistakes, the errors made and the faulted worldview of Alok has been told as they were, and this makes the reading even more fascinating.

This is what Alok says, “I would urge everyone reading this to never compromise on morals and ethics, no matter what the situation maybe. If you are confused, your conscience will always point you in the right direction.”

Embracing Failure & Refusing To Accept Defeat

It is said that failure is the default state of a startup. But when actual failure hits you hard, onto your face, then every logic seem to evaporate.

In this book, Alok has shared some intimate, very real and very touching stories of failure which should be read by every entrepreneur who thinks that starting a business is a cakewalk.

You will feel your heart pounding and blood rushing as Alok shares desperate times when his company didn’t have enough funds to pay salaries, and his company was on the brink of closure. When internal politics played havoc with his company’s morale and when investors ditched him, right when they were expected to help.

Once you complete this book, you will understand why embracing failure and refusing to accept defeat makes or breaks the entrepreneur.

Understanding The ‘Why’

As mentioned at the beginning of this review, that lack of clarity can destroy the morale of any entrepreneur and demolishes his/her dream.

On the same hand, as the book states, having clarity and the answer to ‘Why’ will help you to overcome every conceivable defeat and obstacle.

Why ethics in business is important, why following your passion is important than being in your comfort zone, why meeting atleast 3 new people everyday can make you confident, why asking questions (even stupid ones) can force people to notice you, why sales is a skill which every entrepreneur should learn, why exiting a business at the right time is important, why 10 years of patience and perseverance is crucial and answers to more such Whys can be found in this book.

If someone asks me to highlight the biggest lesson of this book, then it will be a line told by Alok’s father when he shared that he wants to quit the family owned business and stop wearing socks: “Just remember to be patient, because everything starts small.”

Have you read this book? Do share your comments, opinions, and reviews by commenting right here!

Update: We will soon announce an exclusive giveaway of this book. Stay tuned!

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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