Categories: Ecommerce

Flipkart Trolls Apple Fans By Offering iPhone 6 For Rs. 10,000!

Flipkart Trolls Apple Fans By Offering iPhone 6 For Rs. 10,000!

I am sure that after reading the first part of the heading, your heart must have skipped a bit, if you have been wishing to get yourself an iPhone for ages. It happened to me too when I came across this news. At first I didn’t want to believe it, but given the fact that it is being offered at a discount and that too on Flipkart, I convinced myself to believe it.

“The iPhone 6 would be mine for as little as Rs. 10,000. Yay!”, I thought. I also planned to arrange for the finances, but my hopes were soon shattered to the ground when I did some digging.

Here Is What Happened When I Checked Flipkart

As soon as I opened Flipkart iPhone 6 offer page, I realised that the final price of Rs. 10,000 approximately, would be offered only after I exchange my old smartphone for the iPhone 6. This was expected, wasn’t it? But I still had some hopes.

Under the offers, Flipkart also mentions that they’ll be offering flat Rs. 5,000 off on the iPhone 6, additional Rs. 2,000 on the regular price, and extra 5% off on Axis Bank Buzz Credit Cards. All this looked very sweet to me until I clicked on “Buy with Exchange” hyperlink.

I checked the exchange prices of all the phones (not that I have all of them) just for the sake of information, but couldn’t find even a single Android phone which would go for Rs. 22,000 via the exchange offer, and fetch me the iPhone 6 for Rs. 10,000.

The joke was clear to me now. I smiled and started to check the exchange prices of all Apple phones now (just for fun)… and voila!

I could handover an iPhone 6s Plus to Flipkart to get an exchange discount of Rs. 22,000 and then get myself an older generation iPhone 6 for Rs. 10,040.

Wow! This is pretty amazing! It’s a steal of a deal! Grab your iPhone 6 now before time runs out. I felt stupid to trust Flipkart.

Flipkart Marketing Guys Need To Go Through A Sanity Check

I wish to ask only one question to Flipkart:

Who on earth would exchange a perfectly working iPhone 6s Plus with an iPhone 6 and that too after paying Rs. 10,040?

Even the hard-core Apple fans won’t do that.

Dear Flipkart, please come into your senses and stop trolling your loyal visitors with your marketing gimmicks. You could have offered a huge discount on some of the mid-range Android phones or the older flagship devices and people would have availed your offer. But asking someone to downgrade and pay Rs. 10,000 for the new phone is something that will be laughed at by the mobile phone users.

What are your thoughts about it? Would you still get an iPhone 6 using this exchange offer? I know you won’t. But I want to hear some stories.

Anand Karwa: Anand is an Electronics Engineers by education, and has a keen interest in scrutinizing the hardware that powers Smart Phones. He is known to be a compulsive tinkerer.
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