Categories: Internet

Now, Delhi Colleges and 300 Villages to Get Free Wi-Fi by Year End!

Now, Delhi Colleges and 300 Villages to Get Free Wi-Fi by Year End!

AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) is leaving no stone unturned to get Delhi digitalized. Delhi budget is estimated to be around Rs 41,129 crore which mainly focuses on education, rural development and digitalization.

According to PTI, Delhi colleges, including Delhi University and 300 villages spread around the city will get free Wi-Fi services by the year end. Rs 50 crore will be spent to make sure that this project is accomplished by the end of 2015.

“As per plan, we will complete the first phase of free public Wi-Fi by the end of this year but I expect to complete it much before the schedule. Government websites will be free and limited access of other contents will be provided,” Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia told PTI. He further added “All government websites can be accessed any time through this service and we are trying to set a limit for browsing for personal and entertainment content. There are various revenue models in the project and the government is contemplating on these. The Government is committed to provide best Wi-Fi service to the people of Delhi.”

New Delhi Municipal Council had recently announced that they will soon start 3d mapping to make the city smarter and this Wi-Fi program make Delhi even smarter. Before the Delhi elections , the AAP had promised that they will provide free Wi-Fi through-out the city and it seems like, the day will come soon.

The officials have studied the existing Wi-Fi systems in the cities such as Stockholm, Shanghai, Singapore and Barcelona. And they have come to a conclusion that the government will set up 50,000 – 80,000 Wi-Fi spots in the city. Delhi’s population is more than 25 million and it will increase even more by the end of this year. Taking such foreign cities into consideration, will these spots be enough for the world’s most populous city? And if yes, then what would the speed of the internet?

Will it Be Possible?

There is no doubt that Kejriwal government has made many announcements in its budget unveiled recently. But the biggest question is will the government be able to implement the same by the end of the year? Will have to wait and watch.

Harshil Patel: Harshil is a creative writer and he loves to write about latest technology news, updates and gadgets. Follow him on Twitter @harypatel54 for more updates.
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