Categories: mobile

Hot Rumor: Amazon To Launch Smartphone With 3D Display

Unconfirmed reports coming in from the Silicon Valley suggests that by the end of this year, Amazon may unveil its new smartphone.

The story was first circulated by Wall Street Journal, citing “people familiar with company’s plan” that Amazon is working rigorously to ship their first smartphone by the time Christmas shopping season begin later this year. Reportedly, a Chinese based manufacturer has been asked to deliver 600,000 units of this yet unnamed smartphone by November.

As per the Wall Street Journal, several developers in Seattle and San Francisco have been invited to specially protected hotel suits to view the demonstration of this new phone. Amazon have placed complete media embargo on these demonstrations as the invited developers are placed under Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Along with WSJ, other prominent publications such as CNET, Reuters and Mashable have reported about this new smartphone by Amazon.

Although there hasn’t been any confirmation on the operating system to be used in the smartphone, but technologists are claiming that one unique feature which this smartphone will possess: 3D Display without usage of any glasses!

3D With Retina Tracking Technology

As per insider sources, the smartphone will have 4 to 5 front facing camera which would be kind of sensors. These cameras would track the retina movement of the user, and determine whether the phone is being used near the eyes or far from it; how much the angle of visualization and the color/brightness contrast is being visible. Based on these data, the smartphone will display the content in a unique 3D image, without having to wear glasses.

This type of display capability would be highly effective while playing games or watching movies, and this somewhat gives us an idea as to what Amazon might be planning.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has always maintained one ideology when it comes to selling technology: they are not interested in profiting from the sale of devices but intend on creating an eco-system where the device enables further shopping from the user-end.

Android Playstore type market place where users can buy games and applications is the best example of this theory.

Right now, 49% of the smartphones all over the world are sold by Apple and Samsung, and if Amazon launched its new smartphone, then it will directly compete with these companies.

We will keep you updated as more news comes in regarding this speculation.

Interestingly, there were rumours earlier about Flipkart getting into Smartphone business as well, but the founders seem to have quashed those rumours categorically.

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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