Income Taxes paid by Indians [Overview, Numbers & Graphs]

Do you know how many Indians pay Taxes and how much?

You would be surprised with some of the numbers. According to the report released by Indian Finance Ministry,  estimated number of taxpayers for financial year 2011-12 stands at just 3.24 Crore people. That means, less than 3 people in 100 pay taxes

Out of these 3.25 Crore people, 89% pay taxes in the tax slab of 0 – 5 Lakh rupees, while on the other end of spectrum, only 1.3% of all tax payers have income about 20 Lakh!

Number of Tax Payers in India & their Slabs

Slab Number (in lakhs) Percentage of taxpayers
0-5 lakh 288.44 89.00%
5-10 lakh 17.88 5.50%
10-20 lakh 13.78 4.30%
>20 lakh 4.06 1.30%



The graph clearly shows the inequality in the earnings of Indian people – Imagine, in a country of 120+ crore people, only 4 lakh people earn above 20 lakh rupees a month.

Now, if you consider that many cheat when it comes to taxes, even then the numbers are so skewed that it is mind-boggling.

This next graph will show you further how much wealth is concentrated amongst only a miniscule few!

Tax Collection by Tax Slabs

Slab (Rs. in crore) Percentage of tax collected
0-5 lakh 15,010 10.10%
5-10 lakh 21,976 14.80%
10-20 lakh 17,858 12.10%
>20 lakh 93,229 63.00%



The biggest surprise for me was – although, only 1.3% of all tax-payers earn more than 20 lakhs in India, they account for a whooping 63% of all the taxes collected by Indian Government. So 4.6 lakh Indians pay a total of 93,229 crore rupees of tax. That comes to an average of roughly 23 lakh per person!

Although, I was aware of this situation to a certain extent, after looking at the numbers in the report, I was taken aback by amount of inequality we have in India!

Would love to hear your comments on this!


Arun Prabhudesai: Arun Prabhudesai is founder / chief editor at trak.in. He jumped the Entrepreneurship bandwagon in early 2008 after a long 13 year stint in I.T Industry. You can follow him on twitter @trakin and Facebook. Arun’s Google+ Profile
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