Categories: Blogging

Can blogging land you a job?

I read this really un-interesting  piece from BS. The title read : Blogging could ‘even’ land you a job. First thing which caught my attention is the word ‘even’. I found that word condescending. It sounds like among other fun and silly things, blogging can do something serious like landing you a job.

I overcame my anguish over the title and made my way through the rest of the article. My intention was to find if it can really land a job. I was looking for a story of sorts where a potential employer hired a blogger by following his blog. Instead, what I found was a humongous post about blogging.

It talks about the how blogger’s earn money through 3rd party advertising like Google adsense and affiliate marketing. It continuously talks about some blogs like alootechie and medianama and how they are earning money. Don’t we know that already?

Of course, it has mentioned about Amit Agarwal’s Digital Inspiration. But, there is a little mention about companies looking for blogger’s to hire for research and consultancy positions. That is buried deep down in the article. Now, I can go on a rant about BS misleading me into the article and not adding value for my time.

Instead, let me open this for our readers. I know many of our readers are avid blogger’s. So, let me ask the real question which Business Standard shied away from answering.

Can blogging land you a job? By job I mean not another blogging job but a research or a consultancy position or any other position.

*Image source : Sue Richards via flickr.

Sriram Vadlamani: Sriram Vadlamani is the Editor and co-founder of The Gadget Fan and a columnist at Asian Correspondent. You can follow him on twitter @6sv
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