Yes, Your Phone Is Listening To You: Here's The Evidence

Mohul Ghosh

Mohul Ghosh

Sep 08, 2024

Long-held concerns have been validated when a marketing agency, working with Google and Facebook, revealed that smartphones are equipped with software that records user interactions.

Smartphones Equipped With Software That Records User Interactions

The company acknowledged that it collected data for targeted advertising by employing phone microphones, which resulted in customers seeing adverts based on spoken conversations rather than merely search activity.

Yes, Your Phone Is Listening To You: Here's The Evidence

Smartphones listen to what people say and use that information to show suitable advertisements, as reported by 404 Media. This was verified in an article about “Active Listening” technology.

Using artificial intelligence (AI), Cox Media Group revealed in an investor presentation that its Active Listening system monitors and analyzes conversations in real-time to obtain information about user intent.

By combining voice and behavioral data, this technology enables marketers to target consumers based on their spoken words and intended purchases, generating

Through the combination of voice and behavioral data, this technology creates highly effective personalized advertising by enabling advertisers to target users based on spoken phrases and buy intentions.

Data Traces Gathered From Internet Activity And Communications From 470+ Sources

According to the study, the corporation further claimed that the program gathers data traces from internet activity and communications from over 470 sources.

In the past year, 404 Media has revealed several examples of this intrusive technology’s use, including ones in which the program was advertised on podcasts.

Concerns about privacy have been raised by the covert Active Listening feature of Cox Media Group, which has come to light due to its potential to record user chats for advertising purposes.

Both Meta and Amazon—affiliated with the marketing firm—have responded to this breach by taking measures to remedy possible privacy issues.

In order to determine whether the agency breached their terms of service and improperly exploited user data without authorization, thereby undermining user confidence, Meta has initiated an internal review.

Amazon emphasized its commitment to data protection by denying any affiliation with the company and threatening legal action if it finds any partners violating its terms of service.

In defense of its technology, Cox Media Group claimed that when customers download or update apps, they unintentionally consent to Active Listening when they accept the terms and conditions.

According to the company, the deployment of listening software might occur without the express consent of users because it is usually concealed in extensive terms of service agreements

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Mohul Ghosh
Mohul Ghosh
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