Health Card Compulsory For All Chefs, Cooks, Waiters, Food Handlers In This State

Rohit Kulkarni

Rohit Kulkarni

Jan 30, 2023

Beginning on February 1, all the hotel staff members must have health cards per the requirements declared by the food safety department. A health card, which will be issued following a medical examination to ensure that they are disease free, should be carried by all employees involved in the preparation and distribution of food.

Health Card Compulsory For All Chefs, Cooks, Waiters, Food Handlers In This State

Warned against people possessing fake health card:

As per the Health Minister, Veena George, health card has been made mandatory due to the possibility of pathogenic microbes, such as viruses and bacteria, being transmitted to others through food by food handlers. She further, also urged people not to possess false health cards. This law is designed such that it aims at preventing the spread of illnesses that are brought on. In response to the recent back-to-back food poisoning incidents, the State Government recently made health cards mandatory for all hotel employees as a part of strict measures to ensure hygienic conditions at the food establishments.

All the employees who are a part of preparing the food or are involved in the distribution of food are required to keep their medical fitness certificates on file in stores in the accordance with the Food Safety Standards Regulation. Veena George, the Health Minister also warned that “We will take action and even suspend eateries’ operation if the mandate is not followed.”

Shop owners should submit an affidavit:

Further the Health Minister added, “Besides, shop owners should submit an affidavit that all employees shall undergo food safety training and certification (FoSTaC) in two weeks and also register for hygiene rating in a month.” 

The health card is issued by a medical practitioner in a form prescribed on the FSSAI website. In order to identify contagious diseases and vaccination status, a blood test, wound examination, eye and skin disease testing, and body examination are all considered necessary. The health card should have the signature of medical officer, have his or her seal, and then be good for a year.

Rohit Kulkarni
Rohit Kulkarni
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