[Exclusive Interview] This FASTag-Powered Smart Parking Solution Is Reshaping Parking Experience Across India

Mohul Ghosh

Mohul Ghosh

Sep 19, 2023

Recently, we interacted with Mr. Abhimanyu Singh, Co- Founder of ParkMate – a Smart Parking Solution that gives a seamless parking experience to the user and businesses.

[Exclusive Interview] This FASTag-Powered Smart Parking Solution Is Reshaping Parking Experience Across India

Here are the interview highlights:

ParkMate is known for its innovative services like DROP & SHOP and the Hybrid Fastag ANPR system. Could you elaborate on how these technologies are reshaping the parking experience for both users and operators?

With DROP & SHOP feature, ParkMate is transforming parking landscape by eradicating the annoyance of hunting for a spot. Users can input their destination and a dedicated valet will be ready to assist upon their arrival. This not only saves time but also decreases traffic congestion and emissions linked with circling for a parking space. Our valets, who undergo OTP verification, manage the entire parking procedure, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience. On another front, the Hybrid FASTag ANPR system is reshaping parking operations. By merging FASTag and ANPR technologies, we’re automating license plate scanning and payment processing. This not only lessens the necessity for manual involvement but also streamlines the whole parking process. With this system in place, operators enjoy improved efficiency, lowered operational expenses, and enhanced traffic management.

The Hybrid Fastag ANPR system is a notable feature of ParkMate’s offerings. Could you explain how this system works and the benefits it provides in terms of both user experience and operational efficiency?

The Hybrid FASTag ANPR system stands as a cornerstone within our array of inventive parking solutions. This technology seamlessly blends two cutting-edge systems, FASTag and ANPR, to craft a smooth parking experience for both users and operators. As a vehicle drives into a equipped parking facility, advanced cameras automatically scan its license plate, eliminating the need for manual ticketing or entry complications. The gathered license plate data is cross-referenced with registered vehicle details, guaranteeing precise identification and effortless access to the parking zone.

The advantages of this system are truly remarkable. For users, it translates into a trouble-free entry process – no more searching for tickets or enduring queues. This perfectly aligns with our dedication to offering an effortless parking encounter. Furthermore, the Hybrid FASTag ANPR system diminishes congestion at entry points, enhancing not just user experience but also the overall management of traffic flow. From an operational perspective, it simplifies procedures for parking operators by minimizing the requirement for manual interference. This not only amplifies efficiency but also optimizes the utilization of parking space. Real-time monitoring of vehicle entries and exits supplies valuable insights for planning capacity, leading to cost reductions and more informed decision-making. The system also bolsters security by thwarting unauthorized access through accurate tracking.

As the CTO of ParkMate, how do you envision the future of smart parking solutions, and what exciting developments or advancements can we expect from ParkMate in the coming years?

At ParkMate, our unwavering commitment lies in pushing the boundaries of innovation and technology, crafting a parking ecosystem that is not only convenient, but also sustainable and efficient. In the upcoming years, anticipate ParkMate to unveil even more pioneering breakthroughs that redefine how individuals encounter parking. We are actively engaged in elevating our existing technologies, including the Hybrid FASTag ANPR system, to render them even more seamless and integrated. Our exploration extends to AI-powered solutions that can forecast parking demand, optimize space usage, and further curtail traffic congestion. Our dedication to inclusivity remains steadfast, as we continually refine our platform to ensure that those with disabilities partake in an all-encompassing and user-friendly parking experience. Additionally, our focus centers on extending our geographical footprint, fostering more partnerships with parking facilities and local authorities to extend our services to additional cities. Our objective is to emerge as a worldwide leader in parking management solutions, catering not solely to individuals, but also to businesses, cities, and communities.

Data security is crucial when dealing with user information and payment details. Could you elaborate on the security measures and protocols that ParkMate employs to protect user data in its smart parking solutions?

At ParkMate, data security stands as an utmost priority, and we implement comprehensive measures to assure the safety of user information and payment particulars within our intelligent parking solutions. To fortify user data, we employ encryption protocols that ensure all data shared between users and our platform remains secure and encrypted. User authentication stands as another pivotal facet of our security strategy. We implement robust user authentication methods, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), to validate user identities and thwart unauthorized access to accounts. Regarding payment details, we meticulously adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance guidelines. This translates to secure processing and storage of payment data, with no complete cardholder information stored on our servers. Instead, we collaborate with certified payment gateways that securely handle payment processing, aligned with industry standards. Importantly, routine security audits and vulnerability assessments are carried out to pinpoint and rectify potential vulnerabilities within our systems.

Mohul Ghosh
Mohul Ghosh
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