[Exclusive Interview] This Out Of The Bulb Startup Is Cementing Employer’s Branding With Out Of The Box Ideas

Recently we interacted with Ms. Amandeep Kaur, Founder & CEO, Phoenix TalentX Branding, and asked about her entrepreneurial journey, and her vision for disrupting the ’employer branding’ niche.

Ms. Amandeep Kaur, Founder & CEO, Phoenix TalentX Branding

Here are the highlights from the interview:

1. What is the idea of starting the business

Employer branding is a very nascent field in India. There is a lot of demand but very little skill so it made business sense to claim an unclaimed spot in the industry. Now with rapid digital transformation happening post corona  and India suddenly becoming the talent nation  of the world, employer branding has assumed a critical form. So anyone with a skill or past experience in it will have an upper hand. 

2. What role has Phoenix TalentX Branding played in the innovations of new technologies?

These new technologies have transformed almost every industry. Ai and robotics are taking away mundane tasks from humans and thus enabling them to push their potential to do more and be more. 

The biggest trend we have spotted with AI and robotics is that  they are making offices, devices and the world of work more smarter than ever. It’s making businesses cost effective and talent skill efficient. 

3.  With what mission and objectives, the company was set up? In short, tell us about your journey since the inception of the company?

Phoenix TalentX Branding was set up with a clear vision to “transform brands” – brands that are ‘Big and small. Living and nonliving. In India and the rest of the world.’ 

We believe everyone and everything on this planet whether living or non-living has a brand – an image, a perception, a reputation that drives an association with them. And we exist to transform these brands to their truest potential. 

Our mission is twofold: 

First and most primary to “make India a shining talent brand” and work with top league employers each year and keep boosting their employer brand equity in the global talent market.

The other is to “Resurrect Phoenixes” – Our company also exists to resurrect as many entrepreneurs, founders as we can. We aim to work with the small, medium sector owners across the globe, to help surface their special gifts, and realign their brands and businesses for a forever evolving world. We recently helped a Singapore home store owner unearth her special gifts and transformed her business strategy to include home styling, home decor, and trading also. As of now she is busy expanding her business for global shores!

4.  How is Phoenix TalentX Branding different from other industry players?

There are a lot of ways Phoenix has created a differentiation for it self : 

One we are a cusp brand we are neither an overworked advertising agency or a plain jane consulting unit, we are a Boutique Consul-tency – we promise advertising agency like execution and consultancy  type business impact 

Two we are designed like a full service marketing agency which means we define or refine  your brand problem, we do the talent research, we create the employer brand strategy and then take our clients from strategy to innovative  execution on critical promotional platforms

Three we combine the power of 3 brands that impact your perception as an employer in the market today which is your business brand , employer brand and the employees’ personal brands and then create your employer value proposition (EVP) 

Four we are Digital first and use ai, xr, vr, ar very extensively in engaging talent 

Five we keep researching talent from every nuance regularly and are thus aware of their drivers and motivations. For example we know what motivates data scientists from a data analyst and a data engineer. Now this type of layering and talent insights not every agency can promise.

5.  What are the business benefits of handling data analytics & implementing a real time decisioning platform? 

There are tremendous benefits first and foremost is revenue generation,

If your teams have the right data operation tools they can capitalize on market opportunities much faster. The data analytics team can cull out sharp insights on business management and customer behavior which results in timely cost savings or promoting advertisements at the right time and generating maximum sales 

7. Do you also feel that the right kind of talent is a challenge in the industry?

Yes, the right type of talent is definitely a challenge for the industry. One because demand is more and supply is less. Two students are still being trained on traditional academics and not skill trained as needed by the industry. Three definitions of rights keep changing for every industry so it is complex to keep upskilling or upgrading talent. Four companies don’t invest in employer branding or brand promotion or sponsored ads hence even if right talent exists in the market they are unaware of job or career opportunities 

7. What are your growth plans for the next 12 months?

We are a boutique consul-tency. We are NOT  a traditional employer branding consultancy or an  overworked advertising agency that is churning out meaningless content after content on social media.

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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