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Some SpaceX Employees Complained About Elon Musk In A Letter: What Elon Musk Did Next Is Shocking!

Some SpaceX Employees Complained About Elon Musk In A Letter: What Elon Musk Did Next Is Shocking!

SpaceX has sacked at least five employees who penned and circulated a letter critical of founder Elon Musk.

In the letter they had urged executives to make the firm’s culture more inclusive.


Hypocrisy and scapegoating

SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell said that the employees were fired for allegedly making other staff feel “uncomfortable, intimidated and bullied, and/or angry”.

Ironically, in his bid to take over Twitter, Musk told Twitter’s employees that the site should allow “pretty outrageous things” as long as the content is not illegal.


Shotwell, who leads much of the company’s day-to-day business, believed that the letter pressured the other staff to “sign onto something that did not reflect their views”.

She said that she will enforce SpaceX’s “zero tolerance” standards against employee harassment.

The company US Defense depends on

The Pentagon depends on SpaceX, along with another firm, to launch into space the bulk of U.S. military and spy satellites.

SpaceX has played a central role in the U.S. space program, becoming the only company capable of launching NASA astronauts into space from U.S. soil.

Embarrassment? Yes

The SpaceX letter called Musk a “distraction and embarrassment” to the company he founded.

That is objectively true. 

In recent months Musk has been making news for things such as a reported allegation of sexual harassment, his criticism of Democrats and his ongoing drama to take over Twitter. 

Fired for wanting a better work culture

The letter laid out three demands. 

One, the company should quickly and openly separate itself from Elon’s personal brand.

Two, all leadership should be held equally accountable to making SpaceX a great place to work for everyone.

Three, define and uniformly respond to all forms of unacceptable behavior.

Shreya Bose: Shreya is a freelance writer. Her articles cover current affairs in government, banking, auto, business and other salient news of the day. Each topic is well researched from multiple sources and written with focus on detail.
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