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TCS Has 44,000 Temp Employees, 210,000 Women Employees | 58 Clients Pay $100 Million+ Every Year!

TCS Has 44,000 Temp Employees, 210,000 Women Employees | 58 Clients Pay $100 Million+ Every Year!

There is a total transaction of Rs 1,551 crores between the company Tata Sons and its associates.

Mostly these transactions are related to either the company providing IT services or the company engaging with the group companies to be able to leverage the joint procurement volume so that the procurement can be done for the common needs of TCS and the other companies.

There are 7.5% of TCS workforce which are temporary workers. 921 employees are differently abled people. There are 64.4% male employees.

In the year 2022, unclaimed dividends of Rs 6.28 crores and 25,561 shares were transferred to EPFs.

TCS Chairman said that the company has geographical distribution and in the global arena the IT spend varies across markets and TCS’ proportion of revenues from diff markets is in proportion to the total IT Budget.

When compared to India, the IT Budget in the United States is significantly larger and hence it is not possible to substantially increase TCS’ revenue from India as of now.

Digital India Act

Rajesh Gopinathan, speaking about the Digital India Act, said that the Act is necessary as a lot has changed over the years since the original IT Act was put in place. Given there are new issues such as privacy, he expressed that he is happy that the government is engaged and developing a participative approach to develop the Digital Act.

Speaking of the last 5 years revenue growth, he said that it has been steady and the compounded annual growth rate has been more than 10 percent and the operating profits range between 24.8 to slightly more than an average of 25 percent.

He said that the approach towards shareholder-friendly capital allocation has resulted in them returning 90.5 percent of total cash generated during the course of this year.

Speaking of the digital transition, TCS spoke of a world that is totally determined and accelerated by artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics.

There were mentions about the move towards a green economy as well as the supply chain transition, where the supply chain will get rebalanced for resilience. 

Talent transition: A diverse, inclusive global talent pool

TCS CEO and MD Rajesh Gopinathan said at the AGM said that “We have now more than 200K women employees and employees of 153 nationalities. This year TCS added more than 100K employees”.

He added: “We have more than 1200 customers who contribute revenue of over million dollars. Today we have 58 customers from whom we generate more than 100 million dollars in annual revenue”

Speaking of supply shocks, he cited reasons like higher oil prices, gas, and semiconductor shortages. 

“We are likely to face a low growth, high inflation environment globally this year. In this context, India becomes a very important market as it is likely to be the fastest-growing major economy at an estimated 7.8%,” N Chandrasekaran said.

TCS CEO and MD Rajesh Gopinathan said at the AGM that “FY22 saw us enjoy very good deal wins with $34.6 billion of deals signed which is 1.3 times of the total revenue of the year, laying a strong foundation for the future”.

Rohit Kulkarni: Rohit is a tech and business enthusiast, who is hell bent on scooping out the truth. He loves reading, understanding businesses and decoding startups.
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