Categories: Business

Vistara Will Hire 25% More Employees; Total 5000 Employees To Be Hired For Expanding Operations

Vistara Will Hire 25% More Employees; Total 5000 Employees To Be Hired For Expanding Operations

The airline Vistara is planning on significantly ramping up its staff strength to a total of 5,000 employees by the end of 2022 as the full service carrier focuses on increasing capacity utilisation, expanding the fleet and improving overall services. Currently, the airline has around 4,000 employees.

The pandemic negatively affected air traffic

The air travel industry was hit very badly by the pandemic. Even the third wave of the virus negatively impacted the industry. The industry is now on it’s way to recovery since late last year. The airlines are seeing improvement in air traffic numbers.

Vistara CEO made a peculiar statement

In this climate, Vistara’s CEO Vinod Kannan, made the peculiar move of admitting that the airline did not live up to customers’ expectations and assured that steps will be taken to address the “gaps on a war footing”.

“We wanted to make sure that we explain our side of the story… In February what we have seen is that demand has come back and people have started to travel and I think with cases going down, this, touch wood, will be the trend for the future,” Kannan told PTI in an interview on Tuesday.

He emphasized that the airline is currently working on a ‘multi-pronged strategy.’ He also said that currently, it operates more flights than it did before Covid-19 hit.

Vistara is a joint venture between Tata and Singapore Airlines. It started hiring people for operational roles last year in October before the third Covid-19 wave.

The airline wants to increase it’s fleet 

The airline started international operations in August 2019, had 40 aircrafts and the number has now increased to 50. The airline aims to have 70 planes by the end of the year 2023. This aim has been decided after considering that some aircrafts will be returned to lessors.

In his message last week, Kannan promised the customers that many changes and improvements are in the pipelines. These improvements include fast-tracking of initiatives across its IT infrastructure to make the digital experience more convenient.

The airline has restarted offering some of its onboard services with the same pre-pandemic standards.  Non-vegetarian meals have been restarted in Economy Class on all domestic flights.


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