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82% Indians Want 100% Work From Home: More Productivity, Less Stress!

82% Indians Want 100% Work From Home: More Productivity, Less Stress!

It seems that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented changes in our work life.

The same is revealed by a study where 82 percent of respondents admitted that they prefer working from home to going back to the office.


Employees Preferring Working From Home

Initially, the remote work trend was forced on employees due to the raging coronavirus pandemic.

 But now, after two years, it has become a new normal and as things settled down new habits have formed, says the Tech Talent Outlook by job site SCIKEY.

According to this study, as many as 82 percent of respondents admit that they prefer working from home to working from the office. 

Basically, the Talent Tech Outlook 2022 study considers an analysis of inputs from 100 plus C-suite and human capital leaders across four continents, which is done by SCIKEY through surveys, social media inputs, interviews and panel discussions. 

Increased productivity And Less Stress

Interestingly, the study reveals that 64 percent of the employees think that they are more productive working from home and feel less stressed.

As per this new normal, HR people have shifted from engaging face to face to engaging with remote employees whom they meet only virtually most of the time. 

Further mentioning that more than 80 percent of the HR managers admitted that hiring employees for full-time office presence is getting more difficult. 

No Other Choice

The report observed that working from home is no longer a choice but a new normal.

This is now expected by every tech talent from their employer and the employers not willing to adapt will face challenges in hiring good talent and retaining those already employed. 

It seems that the tech workforce has found new love with remote working while having freedom and productivity.

It requires HR to be more trusting, further adding that unengaged or underutilized employees will find alternatives faster and exit faster than pre-pandemic times. 

Future Of Work In Work From Home

The SCIKEY founder and CEO, Karunjit Kumar Dhir said, “It is interesting to observe how the fast-evolving ‘Future of Work’ is getting past the world of conventional HR and transforming into an ecosystem that now involves people beyond the confines of company payroll and office boundaries. Welcome to the world of remote work, the gig economy, and the power of the crowd that is waiting to be explored before it explodes,”. 

He further added that technology is already moving swiftly to change the way companies engage with their employees and get a deeper, more meaningful engagement to everyone’s advantage. 

Office-Only Working Becoming Less Popular

With this new normal, offices too will become more occasional meeting places and alternate workplaces, the study observed. 

Confirming this, more than 67 percent of companies admitted that hiring talent with office-only working conditions has become increasingly difficult. 

It looks like the two years of remote working has given a sense of new flexibility that benefits both employers and employees, the report stated. 

With this change, more than 70 percent of HR and Tech managers admitted that giving on the spot or quick awards for a job well done is more important to retain a workforce that is scattered and needs that ‘little’ motivation regularly. 

On the other hand, almost 36 percent of the respondents have already initiated quick rewards as their model to engage and retain their talented workforce, the report said. 

Sheetal Bhalerao:
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