Categories: Business

These 4 Daring Agri-Tech Startups Are Empowering Farmers With Advanced AI For Farming!

Technology can be a powerful enabler not only when it comes to overcoming the hurdles in the supply chain, but also to improve the yield and revenues. Agri-tech leverages the power of technology to improve farming-related activities.

It holds extensive promise when it comes to helping improve the yield and profitability for farmers with greater efficiency. After traditional supply chains got disrupted due to the COVID-19-led lockdowns, plenty of agritech startups are helping farmers connect with buyers, automate supply chains and build the next layer of data analytics to drive efficiency by using artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), bio-tech, drones, satellites, etc.

In the past few years agritech, communities of the country are working towards the development of the agriculture sector and are empowering agriculture space with technological advancement. This technical improvement in the farming community is leading towards the change in the phase of the agriculture sector.

Below are some startups that are benefiting farmers with technology:



Aqgromalin is one of the fastest-growing farm diversification companies that aims to supplement the income of small landholding farmers through ready to implement micro-farms. It makes access easier for various agricultural implements and technology. Backed by technology, the full-stack company offers innovative growth ideas to farmers in the areas of – Agriculture, Aquaculture, Animal Husbandry, and Insect farming. It provides supplement incomes for existing farmers especially small tract holders by offering them a variety of growing options.


Bengaluru-based agritech startup BigHaat leverages data science and analytics to provide end-to-end advisory on best practices in farming, a digital marketplace for agri inputs. BigHaat aims to engage with farmers through meaningful content, and a range of products that can greatly boost yield and revenue.

Barton Breeze

Barton Breeze is a commercial hydroponic farm specialist, using controlled sustainable technology and modern farming techniques, to create highly productive agri-models for the new-age farmer. Barton Breeze sets up fully-automated hydroponic farms using its in-built technologies to grow clean and pesticide-free vegetables. Barton implements Artificial Intelligence and IoT (Internet of things) for productivity. Software is developed where a device is clipped on the leaves and stem of each plant. The software is connected to the computers, and informs the user when a particular plant needs more nutrients or minerals. 


Driven by demand, Krishihub procures fresh vegetables directly from farmers and delivers them to businesses such as restaurants, canteens, and hostels. The startup uses an AI-powered supply chain to undertake farm-to-doorstep delivery. Use of proprietary algorithms for determining the best route for delivery agents has helped the organisation ensure delivery within 12 hours.

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