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ISRO Offers Free Machine Learning Course You Can Complete In 5 Days! How To Apply?

A short course on “Machine learning to Deep Learning: A journey for remote sensing data classification” has been started online free of cost by ISRO and the interested candidates have been invited to fill the applications.

Post the completion of the same, an ISRO certificate shall be provided to the participants. As a part of its outreach program, the course shall be conducted through the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS). Dr. Poonam S Tiwari who is from the IIRS DLP team, shall be the program coordinator for the same.

In evening from 4 to 5:30 PM, this course shall be conducted from 5 to 9 July. The course can be accessed through the eclass portal of IIRS, Dehradun and the course can be attended via any web browser.

This program is funded by the IIRS, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Department of Space, government of India, Dehradun.

As mentioned earlier, there is no fee for participating in this free, ISRO online course. In addition, participants will be able to receive a ISRO certificate in order to participate in the course.


Who All Are Eligible For Online Course?

The course is open to students who believed that the basic concepts of remote sensing of the earth, and geo-information systems. However, it would be most useful for the specialists involved in the processing of remote sensing data from a variety of applications, they have to extract a certain class interests, and to learn the concepts of fuzzy machine or deep learning.

Various Topics Covered

Following are some of the topics that are covered in the course:

  • Rem?te  sensing  ?nd  its  sens?rs  ?f  v?ri?us  res?luti?ns.
  • R?di?metry  ?nd  ge?metri?  ??rre?ti?ns  ?nd  b?si?  underst?nding  ?f  the  im?ge.
  • B?si?  ?l?ssifier  t?  m??hine  le?rning:  ?  J?urney.
  • Meth?ds  in  m??hine  le?rning:  Su?ervised,  unsu?ervised  ?nd  reinf?r?ement.
  • Fuzzy-b?sed  m??hine  le?rning  with  ???li??ti?n  in  the  tem??r?l  d?t?  ?r??essing.
  • Netw?rk-b?sed  le?rning  ?lg?rithms:  ?NN  t?  ?NN  ?r  RNN.

How to Get ISRO Certificate?

The candidates withattendance of 70% shall be rewarded certificates. The participants who attend the course sessions through the IIRS YouTube channel will have to mark their attendance via offline sessions available after 24 hours.

How to Register?

The details of the same shall be issued soon says IIRS and here is the link to the official website, ??rti?i??nts  ??n  ?ttend  either  thr?ugh  the  e?l?ss  ??rt?l  ?r  ?ls?  ?ttend  the  live  w?rksh??  vi?  the  Y?uTube  ?h?nnel  ?f  IIRS.  The  ??ntent  ?f  the  w?rksh??  will  be  ?v?il?ble  ?ffline  ?fter  24  h?urs  in  the  e?l?ss  ??rt?l.  Th?se  wh?  wish  t?  kn?w  m?re  ??n  g?  thr?ugh  the  ??urse  br??hure  f?r  further  inf?rm?ti?n.

Rohit Kulkarni: Rohit is a tech and business enthusiast, who is hell bent on scooping out the truth. He loves reading, understanding businesses and decoding startups.
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