Categories: Business

Indian Railways Offers Free Tickets To Anyone Who Catches An Unmasked Person In Train

Indian Railways Offers Free Tickets To Anyone Who Catches An Unmasked Person In Train

As per fresh information coming in, Indian Railways has decided to adopt a new approach for enforcing mask rule in the train.

If reports are to be believed, Indian Railways will now offer absolutely free tickets to anyone, who catches an unmasked person inside a train.

How will this work out? Keep reading to find out more!

FInd An Unmasked Passenger, Get Free Tickets

Indian Railways has surprised everyone by rolling out a unique and innovative offer for all rail passengers by offering them a free ticket.

This is how it will work:

  • When you are inside a train or railway station, find a person who is not wearing a mask
  • Click a picture of that person, and share on social media, by tagging Indian Railways
  • For every such picture, Indian Railways will offer one free train ticket, anywhere in India

Commenting on this development, an unnamed Railways official said, “Passengers are not following the rules and regulations, and have stopped wearing masks in the trains. We want to stop this. Masks can help to prevent the spread of coronavirus, and we want that every rail passenger should wear masks, both in the train and on the platform. We hope that this new free ticket offer will help to create more awareness, and more people start wearing masks. Because masks can save lives!”

Will People Start Wearing Masks After This Scheme?

As per insider information, the person who is caught without any mask will pay the free ticket for the person who has clicked his/her unmasked photo.

And this changes everything.

Once a person is caught without a mask, Indian Railways officials will book that person, and ask them to pay the penalty, that will sponsor the free ticket of the participant.

On the looks of it, this new scheme by Indian Railways looks good, and practical. 

But again, it will depend on how good is the execution.

We will keep you updated, as more details come in.

PS: Ok, we admit. This was an April Fool prank on our readers. But the underlying message is not a joke: Wear masks when you are travelling, out in the public, or in short, wear masks when you are not alone. Your mask will help everyone to break the chain, and stop the spread of coronavirus. 

Be safe, wear mask.

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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