Categories: Business

Vaccination Passport Will Allow You Seamless Travel! Microsoft, Oracle Working On It

Microsoft, Oracle Working On Vaccination Passport

Microsoft, Oracle, and some other companies together as a group are working on developing a digital Covid vaccination passport. Apparently, these companies believe that governments, airlines, and other firms will start asking people for proof that they have been vaccinated.

What does a digital Covid vaccination passport mean? Read on to find out all the details!

Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle Working On Vaccination Passport

Microsoft, Salesforce and Oracle, and U.S. health care non-profit Mayo Clinic have announced a coalition known as the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI). These companies have anticipated that governments, airlines, and other firms will ask people for proof if they have not been vaccinated or not.

As per the VCI, the group wants to develop technology that will help people to receive an encrypted digital copy of their immunization credentials. These can then be stored in a digital wallet, such as the Apple Wallet or Google Pay. 

Also, anyone without a smartphone will be able to receive a paper printed with QR codes that will contain verifiable credentials.

Paul Meyer, CEO of non-profit The Commons Project, says, “The goal of the Vaccination Credential Initiative is to empower individuals with digital access to their vaccination records.” he also states that technology should enable people “to safely return to travel, work, school, and life, while protecting their data privacy.”

The Commons Project is also a member of the coalition.

VCI To Develop New Standards To Confirm If People Have Been Vaccinated or Not

The coalition will also be working on developing some new standards which will help confirm if a person has been vaccinated against the COVID-19 disease or not.

Whereas, Bill Patterson, an executive vice president, and general manager at the enterprise software firm Salesforce has stated that his company has plans to help organizations to modify all aspects of the vaccination management lifecycle and integrate closely with other coalition members’ offerings. As per Patterson, this will help them support public health and wellbeing.

He said, “With a single platform to help deliver safe and continuous operations and deepen trust with customers and employees, this coalition will be crucial to support public health and wellbeing.”

This is still a developing story and we’ll keep you informed as we get any more updates!

Radha Joglekar: An engineer, a history buff and a book-eater. A writer with a newfound interest in technology, attempting to build a bridge between the two!
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