Categories: Business

Book International Flight Tickets Directly On Google For This Airlines (How It Works?)

Book International Flight Tickets Directly On Google For This Airlines (How It Works?)

While booking an air ticket, the 1st step often starts at Google. 

Once the fare and the dates are confirmed, the users have to go to a ticket booking portal, and then make the payments for generating the ticket.

What if the ticket booking can happen on Google search result page itself?

It’s no more a fantasy, as Google has now partnered with Vistara to enable ticket bookings right within the search result pages.

How will it work out?

Keep reading to find out more!

Book International Tickets Directly On Google

Google and Vistara Airlines have joined forces, and launched a new feature wherein passengers can book international tickets on Vistara airlines, directly on the Google search.

“Book On Google” feature is being used for the same.

Expressing confidence that this feature will help passengers save valuable time, Vistara’s Chief Commercial Officer, Vinod Kannan said, “We are sure that this new ‘Book on Google’ feature will enable an even more hassle-free experience and bring greater convenience to our customers,” 

How Will It Work?

This feature to book international tickets directly on Google was enabled, after Vistara implemented the New Distribution Capability (NDC), in association with Amadeus.

New Distribution Capability (NDC) is an IATA (International Air Transport Association) initiative, wherein the portal uses XML based data transmission protocol.

This makes booking of the tickets easy, updated in run-time, and enables the arlines to seamlessly offer ancillary products like baggage fees, extra leg room etc, based on the passenger’s history and preferences.

Vistara has now implemented this New Distribution Capability technique directly into Google search, which will allow the passengers to book tickets right at the Google search pages, without visiting any 3rd party app or site to make the payments.

Explaining the process, Vistara said, “Customers will also progressively be able to view and purchase optional upgrades, pre-purchase additional baggage allowance, seat selection, and much more on the same Google interface,”

We will keep you updated, as more details come in. 

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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