Categories: Business

Work From Home Confessions: For 70% Indians, WFH Means Freedom, Healthy Life, Faster Decisions

Work From Home Confessions: For 70% Indians, WFH Means Freedom, Healthy Life, Faster Decision

A new survey has shed light on the future of the work from home model that is currently being implemented in the majority of the organizations.

As per the survey, employees prefer the work from home model due to the many pros it offers.

Read on to find out what the survey says right here!

Cisco Workforce Survey Shows Employees Prefer Work From Home Model In Future

According to Cisco’s Workforce of the Future survey, ‘Workforce of the Future’, employees want to retain the work from home model because of the advantages that it offers. 

This survey was conducted across 14 markets in the Asia Pacific, and more than 14000 respondents. About 1000 respondents were from India, who asked office-based employees for the expectations they had from their employers from 2021 onwards. 

Hariharan S, Cisco managing director for software, cloud, and collaboration sales said, “It is clear that working from home has its benefits, as does going to the office. Employers that want their staff to be productive and enable them to collaborate effectively, however, must adopt the right tools – especially if they want to successfully transition to the hybrid work ecosystem demanded by today’s workforce.”

Employees Opt For Benefits: Increased Autonomy, Dispersed Team, Faster Decision Making 

In India, people have opted for two benefits, increased autonomy (72%) and working well as a dispersed team (70%). Whereas, 73% of people preferred the faster decision-making that work from home offers.

In India, 21% of the surveyed people worked from home most of the time before the pandemic hit. And now, a majority of the respondents hope for the work from home model to be continued for the future.

90% of respondents want to make independent decisions in defining how and when they use office space.

About three quarters of the respondents, 74%, have said that they have an increased appreciation of the benefits and challenges of working from home. 58% of the leaders have shown an increased trust in their teams to do their jobs well. Also, 72% of the employees were able to incorporate more exercise into their daily routine, which also increased their work and life balance.

Radha Joglekar: An engineer, a history buff and a book-eater. A writer with a newfound interest in technology, attempting to build a bridge between the two!
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