Categories: Business

Expiry Date Of Sweets Must From October 1; But How Will Govt Impose This Rule?

Expiry Date Of Sweets Must From October 1; But How Will Govt Impose This Rule?

As you know, the unpacked sweets you buy at the sweet shop don’t come with a manufacturing or expiry date.

However, from October 1, the ‘best before date’ will be made mandatory on the sweets.

Read on to know more about this norm…

What Does The Norm State?

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in an order dated September 25has made it mandatory to write ‘best before date’ on sweets but mentioning the ‘date of manufacturing’ doesn’t have restrictions and has been left to the sweet makers. 

The order is only for the sale of sweets in open sweet shops.

With this norm, the customers will now know till when can the bought sweet be edible or till when can they consume it.

Is Printing Best Before Date Not Practical?

Federation of Sweets and Namkeen Manufacturers (FSNM) director Feroze Naqvi told IANS. “FSSAI has accepted half of our point that it is no longer mandatory for us to write a manufacturing date. However, the best before date will be effective from October 1. However, we are also in talks on this. We have put our problems in front of the FSSAI.”

Naqvi also said that though this order has brought relief to the sweet makers, they would face difficulties as the norm isn’t practical.

The reason for impracticality as stated by the director is that the change of date on a wide variety of sweets repeatedly is difficult.

The order of sweets had originally come in February but the COVID-19 pandemic pushed it twice and now it will be applicable starting October, he said. 

Naqvi also said that this order will be applicable for unpacked sweets. The packaged food items like namkeen will have a date of manufacturing and best before date, he added. 

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Shreya Ambre: An architect discovering her passion for writing. An avid reader keen on traveling the world with the desire of penning down stories.
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