This State Refuses To Open Schools From Sept 21; But Delhi, Bihar, MP Will Open Schools & Resume Classes


On September 9th, Govt of India had allowed schools to be reopened, albeit for class 9th to class 12th, and that too voluntarily.

However, there are still apprehensions and concerns regarding the coronavirus outbreak, since all the schools are closed since March when the nation came under lockdown.

Now, Uttarakhand has declared that no school will be opened in their state, not for any student, not even voluntarily.

Will other states follow suit?

Uttarakhand: No Schools Will Be Opened From September 21st

Uttarakhand Education Minister Arvind Pandey has clearly and specifically stated that his Govt will not allow any school to be opened from September 21st.

He has said that health and well-being of the students are more important now, and thus, there is no need for students to goto school and study, when online education is working fine.

This is indeed a good move by Uttrakhand Govt., to protect the interests of the students, and to contain the infections.

But, other states are ready to open schools now.

Haryana, Delhi, Bihar, MP Ready To Open Schools

Meanwhile other states like Harayana, Delhi, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh have agreed to the Centre’s Unlock rules, and have allowed schools to be opened from September 21st.

They will follow the Govt’s notification of allowing Class 9th to Class 12th to voluntarily go to school, and consult with their teachers, if they wish so.

Haryana’s Education Minister Kanwar Pal Gurjar has said that their Govt is fully prepared to open schools and resume classes.

Centre has issued guidelines and protocols for schools to follow, once students start coming in, and classes are resumed.

Wearing of mask is compulsory for all teachers, students and staff members, and usage of sanitizers is mandated.

There is still some confusion regarding the opening of schools in different states, since not every state will follow Centre’s Unlock suggestions, and open up the schools.

We will keep you updated, as more details come in. 

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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