Coronavirus Test In 5 Seconds Using X-Ray Scan: Why This Indian Invention Is A Gamechanger!

Coronavirus Test In 5 Seconds Using X-Ray Scan: Why This Indian Invention Is A Gamechanger!

5 seconds.

That is all it will take to detect if a person has Coronavirus or not! 

Yes, a professor from IIT Roorkee has developed a new software, which is able to detect the deadly Coronavirus within only five seconds. This groundbreaking invention that the professor has designed will be able to detect the disease with the help of only an x-ray scan.

How does this new software work? Will it be implemented in India? Find out all the details right here!

IIT Roorkee Professor Develops Software To Detect Coronavirus In 5 Seconds

Professor Kamal Jain, from IIT Roorkee’s civil engineering department, has designed and developed this new software which will use only an x-ray scan to detect if the suspected patient has been infected with the Coronavirus.

As per reports, he developed the software in only about 40 days. He has also applied for a patent for this software and approached the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for a review as well.

He revealed that he developed an artificial intelligence-based database after analyzing more than 60,000 x-ray scans. These scans also included those of COVID-19, pneumonia and tuberculosis patients so that it would be easy to differentiate between the type of chest congestion that is found in these three diseases. He also analyzed the chest x-ray database of the NIH Clinical Center of the United States.

How Does This Software Detect COVID-19 In A Patient?

He also informed that doctors will be required to simply upload a picture of the patient’s x-ray, and the software will inform them if the patient is showing any signs of pneumonia. Not only this, but it will also be able to detect if it is due to COVID-19 or any other bacteria. It will also measure the severity of the infection and the results will be processed within as less as 5 seconds. 

He said, “The pneumonia caused by COVID-19 is severe than other bacteria as it affects lungs completely than smaller portions of lungs in other cases. The software will analyse bilateral opacity, pattern of fluid build-up in lungs and nature of clump or clot if any.”

As per Jain, the software can assist in an accurate preliminary screening, after which the positive persons can further undergo clinical testing. 

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Radha Joglekar: An engineer, a history buff and a book-eater. A writer with a newfound interest in technology, attempting to build a bridge between the two!
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