Categories: Business

USA Bans Immigration To Protect Jobs Of ‘Great Americans’; Will H1B Visa Impacted?

USA Bans Immigration To Protect Jobs Of ‘Great Americans’; Will H1B Visa Impacted?

In an unprecedented move, US President Trump has suspended all immigration into the US. Although this is a temporary measure, it can have some long-lasting implications, globally.

US President Trump: We Are Banning All Immigration

In a Tweet, US President has informed the world that he has signed an executive order, which bans all sorts of immigration into the US.

As per Trump, this ban on immigration has been done to protect jobs of ‘Great American citizens’ and this ban on immigration is temporary.

His tweet:

Will H1B Visa Affected?

As of now, no information has been received regarding this temporary ban on immigration visa.

However, H1B visa, which is quite popular among Indians to work in the US, is a non-immigrant visa.

Hence, based on primary information, it doesn’t seem that H1B visa will be impacted.

US In Dire Straits Due To Coronavirus

More than 7.5 lakh Americans have been infected with coronavirus as of now, and the epidemic is spreading at a fast pace. More than 42,000 Americans have died due to this virus, as the Govt is unable to contain the virus.

Amidst this panic, a record 2.2 crore Americans have filed for unemployment benefits, which is more than any point in the history of America.

This decision to ban all immigration is being seen as a desperate measure to protect American jobs, and to satisfy Americans that their Govt is doing something.

If protecting jobs is the main concern, then non-immigrant visas such as H1B visa can also be banned in the US.

Due to less jobs and unpredictable economic forecast, most of the successful H1B applicants in India may not file petition for H1B visa.

Interestingly, due to H1B visa regulations, medical care is being hampered in the US, and several lawmakers have asked the restrictions to be waived off.

We are awaiting for more details.

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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