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Coronavirus: Google Employee Tests Positive In Bengaluru; Delhi Bans IPL, Closes Cinema, Schools

Coronavirus: Google Employee Tests Positive In Bengaluru; Delhi Bans IPL, Closes Cinema, Schools

The onslaught on coronavirus is increasing day by day in India, even as in China, it has subsided to a greater degree.

While a Google India employee at Bengaluru has been tested positive for coronavirus, Delhi Govt has decided to close down cinemas, schools till March 31st.

And they have banned any IPL matches as well.

Google Employee Tests Positive In Bengaluru

Google has confirmed that an employee from their Bengaluru office has been tested positive of coronavirus.

In a statement, Google said, “We can confirm that an employee from our Bangalore office has been diagnosed with COVID-19. They were in one of our Bangalore offices for a few hours before developing any symptoms.”

As per Anand Rangarajan, director of engineering at Google, that employee was in office for a brief period of time, before he was diagnosed, and put in isolation.

It seems that he carried the coronavirus from an international location.

Google has announced work from home for all Bengaluru employees, and their offices are being sanitized right now.

More details are updated.

Delhi Govt Bans IPL, Shuts Down Cinema, Schools

Meanwhile after rising cases of coronavirus in the National Capital, New Delhi Govt has decided not to allow IPL matches inside their city.

Besides, every school and cinema theater in New Delhi region has been shut down.

Out of 76 positive cases of coronavirus in India, 6 have been located in Delhi alone.

Since Delhi will not allow any IPL match, the entire tournament has been postponed. Dehi CM Arvind Kejriwal made it very clear that no event or function will be allowed in Delhi, which can lead to mass gathering of people. Because such gathering can trigger more spread of the virus.

Empty flats in Delhi, owned by Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board will be used for quarantining the infected people. 

We will keep you updated, as more details come in. 

Stay safe, and stay alert. 

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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