Categories: India

82% Indians Deal With High Levels Of Stress: Is It Due To Over Ambition, Peer Pressure?

Why 80% of Indians are depressed?

With all the chaos that the world has created for us, huge amounts of stress is always an unwanted bonus that comes with it. In India, there are about 82% of Indians who deal with stress on a daily basis due to work, health, and finance related issues.

In India, men are more stressed, the number stands at 85%, whereas, in the case of women, the number is a bit less at 82%, but not at all negligible. As per the reports, women are facing high stress due to too much work, family finance concerns, and personal health concerns.

What are the stress levels so high? Read on to know more!

People In India Most Stressed

A Global health service company Cigna Corporation conducted a study, called 2019 Cigna 360 Well-Being Survey – Well and Beyond. This study was conducted across 22 countries and around 13,200 people were a part of the responders.

There are around five criteria against which the participants are evaluated – people’s perception of well-being is examined for issues related to physical, family, social, financial and work aspects. This is the fifth year of the survey, Cigna 360 Well-Being Survey, and it covers a variety of health-related topics, making it the most comprehensive survey to date.

Countries such as USA, UK, Germany, France, India, and Australia were some of the participants. Among these, the study showed that the number of people that deal with high-stress levels is the highest in India as compared to the aforementioned countries.

Sandwich Generation and Millenials Highly Stressed

The survey found out that 82% of the people in India are dealing with high levels of stress and of these, people of the ages 35-49, termed as the sandwich generation, are the most vulnerable to stress. The sandwich generation makes up about 89% of the total respondents.

“89% of this segment deal with stress, compared to 87% of millennials and 64% of the age 50+ group. As a result, maintaining a healthy weight is a challenge for them with only half able to maintain a healthy weight compared to 58% of millennials and 55% of the older segment.”

Millennials are dealing with high levels of stress, especially when it comes to financial issues. Apparently, millennials are not contented with what they earn and are worried that their earnings will not suffice for the future requirements and medical needs of their parents’ future.

Workplace Wellness Programs

The report threw some light on the workplace wellness programs in India. In India, 66% workplaces claim to have a wellness program, however, only 56% participate. Globally, only 36% have assured that they have a wellness program.

Indian workforce is quite aware of the role this kind of stress plays on physical health.  Of the 51% global respondents, 61% said that they knew their BMI and 76% were aware of their blood pressure levels too.

Stress is an inevitable part of our crazy and disorganized work lives, but to deal with it in the appropriate manner is all that matters.

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Radha Joglekar: An engineer, a history buff and a book-eater. A writer with a newfound interest in technology, attempting to build a bridge between the two!
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