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Artificial Intelligence Will Save Lives: Malaria, TB, Cervical Cancer Detected In Seconds By AI

Artificial Intelligence will save lives

Artificial Intelligence is slowly taking over the job sector, no matter how much we deny. Machines are replacing mankind and people working in the medical field are next to go.

However, there is a positive side to the uprise of artificial intelligence now – some researchers have developed an artificial intelligence system that will detect some major illnesses, like malaria and tuberculosis.

Artificial intelligence is slowly taking over human’s jobs while there are so few jobs out there, but this development is definitely a great leap forward where the progress of science and technology is concerned.

Read on to know all about this AI-based system and what it can do.

Development by Researchers at IIT-Delhi

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) of Delhi have developed an artificial intelligence system to detect major diseases and disorders prevalent, like malaria, tuberculosis, any intestinal parasite, and cervical cancer. And that too, in a matter of a few milliseconds!

Professor Manan Suri, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi said that there are many AI systems available out there in the field of healthcare and medical applications that are diagnostic related, but, “need of the hour is to efficiently map these models on portable dedicated low-power, low-cost hardware to enable edge-AI systems accessible to all in low resource environment.”

This means, that the department focussed on designing a system that will employ less power, and low-cost hardware and will work on artificial intelligence. looking from a broader perspective, this system has a lot of potentials and will definitely spread over a large area and take unreachable regions under its wing as well.

How Will This AI-Based System Work?

An intelligent Neuromorphic system has been designed by the researchers which can be used for healthcare access in resource-constrained areas with limited access to human specialists.

Suri, who is the lead of the team of researchers working on this project, also said that microscopy adapts well to low-resource, high disease burden areas as it is simple and versatile and will be suitable for diagnostic tasks. Microscopy-based diagnostics serve as an option for rapid diagnostic tests.

The low cost of the application is a huge advantage as these sort of systems are generally high priced and not very practical. This will help the machine to be used in rural and remote areas as well, which is the long term goal behind the concept of this design. However, there is a shortage of skilled technicians who conduct microscopy-based diagnostics.

An absence of skilled technicians leads to patients being diagnosed on the basis of the signs and symptoms only, which is rarely accurate and may also lead to other negative side effects, such as higher mortality, drug resistance, and indulging in the unnecessary drug purchase, thus wasting money.

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Radha Joglekar: An engineer, a history buff and a book-eater. A writer with a newfound interest in technology, attempting to build a bridge between the two!
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