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Samsung Galaxy Fold Unveiled: 7 Reasons Why It’s Not Worth Your Money

Samsung Galaxy Fold: Is it worth it? __ 7 Reasons Not To Buy Samsung Galaxy Fold

Samsung finally took the curtains off its much-ambitious foldable smartphone after years of research. The Samsung foldable smartphone has been in the news since the South Korean company is working on some flexible display in 2016.

Cut to 2019, Samsung’s first foldable smartphone is finally here. But is it worth it?

Definitely, we should appreciate Samsung’s effort. But, does Galaxy Fold have any real-world use?

Because, in terms of practicality, Galaxy Fold does fail big. Here are some of the top problems you will face using a Galaxy Fold.


7 Problems With Samsung Galaxy Fold | Reasons Not To Buy Samsung Galaxy Fold

The important points Samsung didn’t mention at the Unpacked keynote about their Galaxy Fold, or rather chose not to.

Galaxy Fold Does Not Fold Flat

The so-called foldable smartphone does not fold flat at all. When you fold up the sides, the Galaxy Fold turn into a triangularly shaped tablet. The gap between the two parts of the phone is around 10mm. The screen sits around 10 degrees away from a “flat” surface.

It’s Bendable, Not Foldable

The Galaxy Fold smartphone can be bent, not folded for real. If you look closely, you can see a hinge in the middle. The two halves of the screen don’t perfectly fold into one, because Galaxy Fold is more of a bendable smartphone than foldable.

Neither A Smartphone Nor A Tablet

The biggest problem with the Galaxy Fold is its ergonomics. Because buying a Galaxy Fold neither offers you a full smartphone experience or a flawless tablet experience. In both ways, the Galaxy Fold fails to put up a commendable performance.

The Smartphone Screen’s Painful

That exterior panel has an auxiliary screen with a 4.6-inch screen. If you compare it to any modern smartphone, it’s a fail. Galaxy Fold is to be used primarily as a foldable tablet. And if it has to be used mainly as a tablet, why call it a smartphone?

That Sandwich-sized Thickness

Galaxy Fold is really thick, like really thick. If may sound skeptical, but when folded, the smartphone looks ugly. The thickness is like two iPhones punched together. If you are planning to use it primarily as a smartphone, you will have a hard time.

Problems With Working UI

How the smartphone handles the transformation from using an app on the auxiliary screen to the main screen is actually great. The company has done an awesome job with that. But again, the UI has to be worked upon for better user experience.

That 1.5 Lakh Price Tag

In India, Galaxy Fold will cost around Rs 1,50,000. Unless you have crazy loads of money to spend, going for a Galaxy Fold doesn’t make sense. You can either go for a good laptop or a smartphone and an iPad for your purpose.

Then, Is Galaxy Fold A Fail?

Actually not. Atleast Samsung tried to bring up something new compared to other big companies (cough, Apple, cough!). The latest technology will spark up a new trend for future smartphones. Makers are yet to make a completely foldable display. So, Samsung should wait till there before it plans the second generation Galaxy Fold.

This is very early for foldable smartphones to hit the mass market.

Most importantly, it’s not consumer friendly. While there’s a lot to complain about, the effort from Samsung should be appreciated. Hopefully, there’s a lot of excitement waiting in the future!

Vishal Aaditya Kundu: Six years into writing with primary focus in smartphones, tech trends, e-commerce, telecom, consumer tech, internet, social media, gaming and more. A digital marketer, avid traveler, coffee enthusiast and a part-time educator.
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