Categories: Business

Aadhaar Virtual ID Is Now Live; Banks, Agencies Ordered To Deploy Virtual ID By August 31st!

Virtual ID for Aadhaar

The much anticipated and awaited security mechanism by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI): Virtual Aadhaar ID is now live.

UIDAI has ordered all banks, Govt departments and agencies involved in eKYC process via Aadhaar to update their systems before August 31st.

In fact, those who are not able to update to the new system with Virtual ID, they will be now fined!

Virtual ID For Aadhaar: Live Now!

In the month of January, 2018, we had reported that UIDAI is about to introduce a new concept for security mechanism: Virtual ID.

Now, this feature is live, and is available in the new updated software: Auth API 2.5 and e-KYC API 2.5.

With Virtual ID, users are not required to reveal or share their actual Aadhaar number, anymore. Via UIDAI website or mAadhaar app, users can now generate as many Virtual IDs they want. These are 12 digit identifiers, and the old one gets deleted, as soon as a new one is generated.

August, 2018 Deadline!

At the same time, UIDAI has ordered that all banks, agencies and Govt. departments which are accessing the Aadhaar software for performing KYCs, should update their systems by August, 2018.

Authentication User Agencies, or AUAs have been asked to migrate to VID and UID token using the software (Auth API 2.5 and e-KYC API 2.5), as this will support the new Virtual ID system.

UIDAI said, “Also, for all other the AUAs including banks but other than those mentioned above (telecom operators and E-sign service providers), it has been decided that they shall migrate to VID and UID Token…by 31st August 2018,”

Note here, that in order to induce more security, UIDAI has classified all AUAs into two groups: Global AUA and Local AUA.

While Global AUAs, like banks have been provided full features, Local AUAs such as telecom operators and third party agencies have been provided limited access of data.

Penalty If VID Not Implemented!

UIDAI has also announced a penalty, for every transaction, in case the AUA fail to upgrade to the new Virtual ID system.

Rs 0.20 per transaction shall be charged, if the concerned AUAs such as banks, telecom operators and 3rd party agencies are not able to migrate to the new system by July 31st.

In case they migrate before July 31st, then entire “authentication transaction charges imposed for the above said period of July 1-31, 2018, shall be waived”.

Infact, UIDAI has threatened that if agencies are not able to migrate to the new system by August 31st, then they are “free to take actions under the Aadhaar Act including imposition of financial disincentives and termination of license key”

Do you think that Virtual ID concept for Aadhaar users will help to make the system robust and strong?

Do let us know by commenting your opinions right here!

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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