Categories: Internet

Delhi Beats Maharashtra In Internet Readiness Index; Most Digital Startups Are In Karnataka: Report

Delhi Beats Maharashtra In Internet Readiness Index; Most Digital Startups Are In Karnataka: Report

When it comes to Internet readiness, then there is no other place like New Delhi in India. As per IAMAI’s latest Internet Readiness Report, National Capital Delhi has beaten all states.

Karnataka is ranked #2 in this report, whereas Maharashtra and Kerala are at #3 and #4 position.

Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and Nielsen have partnered for the annual report titled ‘Index of Internet Readiness of Indian States’, which mainly focusses on the Internet infrastructure prevalent in Indian states, and the extent to which their citizens are using the Internet for their day to day operations.

Interestingly, Delhi Govt. has earlier announced city-wide WiFi service, which has still not launched.

The four main components of Internet Readiness Report are: e-infrastructure, e-participation, IT environment, government e-services.

If we talk about e-infrastructure, then Chandigarh is the #1 location in India, followed by Puducherry.

States of Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana have specially mentioned for their government e-services services, as their Governments have initiated lots of major projects.

While launching the report, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology Secretary Aruna Sundararajan said, “We are hopeful that India will leapfrog from the present 155th position to worlds top 5th in connectivity, within the next 5-6 years,”

If we consider only North East states, then Nagaland has topped the list in Internet readiness, followed by Manipur and Tripura.

In last year’s Internet Readiness Report, Maharashtra was the state with topped the charts, followed by Karnataka, Gujarat and Telangana.

Readiness Of Digital Startups & Incubators in India

Karnataka has emerged as the state with a maximum number of digital startups in India; followed closely by Delhi and Maharashtra.

If we talk about incubators, then 83% of all incubators are present in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Kerala, Telangana, Gujarat, West Bengal, Delhi, and Rajasthan.

With 242, Tamil Nadu has emerged as the state with the most number of incubators for digital startups. Interestingly, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have failed to beat Tamil Nadu & Karnataka in attracting entrepreneurs for launching or incubating their digital startups.

North East is way behind the national average for incubators and digital startups.

For instance, Manipur is the only state in North East, which has an incubator. And sadly, there exists only one incubator there. This means, in the entire North East region, there exists only one incubator.

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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