Categories: Education

25% Increase In Indian Students In US; 1 Out of 6 International Students in US Is An Indian

25% Increase In Indian Students In US; 1 Out of 6 International Students in US Is An Indian

As per recent report titled ‘2016 Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange’ released by Institute of International Education (IIE) in partnership with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, total number of Indian students in US has increased exponentially last year.

In fact, the growth in total number of Indian students in US surpassed every country, as 25% more Indian students got admission in various US colleges and universities during 2015-16 compared to last year.

Overall, India and China accounted for 82% of total growth in International students in US.

As of now, one out of six international students in US is an Indian.

This tremendous growth of Indian students in US is surprising indeed, considering the strict work visa rules which are being regularly introduced in US. In July, we had reported that few senators in US have introduced a bill to stop H-1B and L1 visa hiring, which can crush the Indian IT industry.

Last year, H-1B and L1 visa fees were doubled, which was expected to dig a hole of Rs 26,000 crore additional expenses for Indian IT firms.

But diplomats and educational fraternity are hopeful that such massive migration of Indian students will help both the countries.

After the report was released, US Ambassador Richard Verma said, “Higher education continues to be the bedrock of our people to people ties. More students from India studied in the United States than ever before – at all levels – and I am especially pleased to see the record back-to-back, year-on-year growth in student numbers,”

Some other interesting facts from the report:

  • As of now, total of 165,918 Indian students are studying in US, which is an increase of 25%, compared to last year
  • Out of 1.65 lakh Indian students in US, three-fifths are in graduate level, and three-fifth are in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
  • Total number of International students in US has crossed 1 million mark for the first time in history
  • As of now, 5% of all students in US are International students; 43% of all International students are women (decreased by 2% compared to last year)
  • California is the top destination for International students in US, as nearly 1.5 lakh international students opted for California for higher education
  • Overall, US hosts 4.5 million globally mobile college and University students, which is highest in the world
  • More than 3.13 lakh US students received credits for studying abroad (outside US) in 2015-16, which is highest anywhere in the world.
  • India was ranked 13th out of 25 countries for US students going abroad for studying. Only 4438 US students visited India for studying in 2015-16
  • International students brought in $36 billion into US economy during 2015-16

You can view the entire report here.

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul
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