5 Reasons Why Women Make Better Bosses Than Men!

5 Reasons Why Women Make Better Bosses Than Men!

An age-old debate, a plethora of personal choices and bigot approaches have always put off a question unanswered, if the fairer sex makes better bosses. The biz world as per its researches believes that women make better leaders and run better performing businesses than menfolk.

Here are the 5 reasons why females make better-easier-merrier bosses!


1) They’re sooooooper at management

Efficiently managing resources is the golden skill they’re born with. Chalk it out to their ability of management, from grocery to school fees, from fuel charges to make-up. They just know to allocate the right amount at the right places.

Their hands-on, intuitive and collaborative style of management enables them to easily cherish, stimulate, inspire and influence employees. Women work with a to-do list; while men display ‘cross–the-bridge-when-it-comes’ attitude.

2) They have more patience

Women can take time and breathe over issues (unless it is a spat with the husband). The logical approach of the modern woman leaves scintillating effect on her work force. Also, being a woman, she offers more care, which comes naturally and with ease to her.

The compassion she shows with her staff just adds on to their levels of productivity. They seldom have a command-and-control approach like the men, and are comparatively less aggressive.

3) They communicate a lot

They can tactfully communicate and bring in more business. Their tongue can take them places. They get into intricacies of matters better than anyone else. Deeply analyzing, and over-thinking over minute niceties is so them!

They also leave space for employee perspectives by ‘talking it out’. A woman can be too generous a negotiator. Better communication also helps establish loyalty in business relationships.

4) They have stronger ethics

Running a business leaves a human with ethical choices a plenty. Women at such times acknowledge and consider the rights of others in the pursuit of consistent and pure fairness. Their constant quest of inquisitiveness and back of the mind thoughts leave them guilty even at subtle wrongdoings.

Women have also proved to be more transparent and accountable. A strong scented moral-code in always found in their bags!

5) They can lend you tissues

No man can lend a ear and patience to hear out your personal problems. You can speak your heart out to her, and have her speak her heart out to you. This activity has seen to raise passion levels in many. They don’t shy out from lending a prodigious piece of advise from their booty of personal experiences!

And yes, she’s a beautiful boss, which no male can compete at ;)

[Image Source: Shutterstock.com]

[box type=”shadow” ]About the Author: Nikita Wable is an Internet evangelist, social media strategist, unapologetic grammar Nazi, loves travelling, more-so with a camera.[/box]

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